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I'm going to Disney...dogs are not


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The first week of August has me traveling to DisneyWord with my daughter, son-in-law and two granddaughters (Hmmmm, I'm starting to think I was enticed to go as the nanny :lol: ) I haven't had a vacation in decades so I'm excited but....

I will be leaving Winnie, Madison and Elliott at home. I do have hubby whose work schedule runs from 9-5 and an 18 year old son whose work schedule is shorter and more flexible (works for hubby/Dad) but I cannot stop stressing and worrying about my Cairns. Will someone leave the gate open unintentionally when they're out in the yard doing business (I'm thinking of padlocking it and keeping the only key :confused: )

My Maddy is extremely sensitive and will only eat when I coax her. She is the one prone to pancreatitis and I do not want anything to happen that will stress her. She has to have special food and is not allowed to eat out of the others dishes.

Do I sound neurotic?

I am so set in my ways when it comes to my Cairns and I spend all my time with them and now I'm becoming a traitor because I'll be with Pluto, Goofey and Mickey.

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Oh Kayharley, Go and have a good time. It's easy for me to say, but I'm really so much like you. I feel like no one can take care of my cairns like I do. Maybe it's a control thing, but I have left dh w/ all but Hannah and worried that he'd do something wrong. I worried that he'd just let them out in the yard and not watch them and one would start digging under the fence, or he'd feed them at the wrong time and then their schedule would be off. I worried that he'd forget to take them out and Abbey would have an accident. I also worried that he'd open the door and let one escape. All my worrying was for nothing. He may not notice the dirt like I do, or give those extra dozen hugs, but he did take care of them his way and they survived and yours will too. One thing you could do is leave a list for your dh and ds, not that they'll read it. :whistle:

Enjoy Disney! I wish I could head over there and meet you. I just know you're my kind of person. How old are your granddaughters? It will be so much fun for you to see Disney World through their eyes. It will be a lifetime memory for you. Are you going to all of the parks?

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Neurotic- no, good Mom - Yes! You deserve a vacation and you will enjoy getting away. Write up some specific instructions for the boys, label the food bags/cans with each dog's name and go have a good time! Then just imagine the welcoming you will get from your three when you return! I'm sure DH and DS will be happy to have you back too!

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go have a great time, you furkids will be fine.

I'm fortunate to have a wonderful neighbor that looks after my girls when we are gone. She comes over 3-4 times a day and checks on them. They love her to death. I cannot put the girls at a kennel because Tabitha has such bad seperation anxiety. I cannot even pack in front of her anymore. If she see the suitcase out, she freaks out.

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You're going to have a terrific time - and you're leaving them in great hands!

I've been to DisneyWorld 4 times, the last time was on my honeymoon 5 years ago. You will absolutely fall in love with the place.

The babies will be just fine in their own environment. At least you don't have to put them in a kennel. Now THAT's a killer to me. But...I am feeling your pain because we're going on a cruise in November for our anniversary and I've never left Scully for more than 2 days. It will be MY time in the wringer and being nervous!

Hang in there, it will be just fine and you'll be so glad you went.

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In April, my dh and I went to Disneyworld and left Savannah when she was only 4 months old!!! She stayed with my dh's supervisor from work who used to work in a vets office. The worst part was when we got back from the park and I was reviewing the days pics on my digital camera and would come across one of Savannah. I felt like such a horribel mother for leaving her BUT the truth is, she enjoyed herself and was SOOOO happy to see us when we got home. Your pups will be fine. Go and have a wonderful time and enjoy yourself. The pups will drown you with kisses when you get back home!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest mrskti

I know how you feel, it's hard to leave them. We get to take ours with us when we go to Disney, we have the motor home and go to Fort Wilderness Campground on disney property. You're lucky that you can have hubby watch them, and not have to board them, they'll be fine and you'll have a ball at WDW....but it's gonna be hotter than the devil there!!!!! Take plenty of sunscreen. And we'll expect a few pics when you get back.

Oh hey, if you want to get pumped up about your trip...visit our disney site, we're sorta disney freaks!!! www.johnswdwpage.com My daughter takes care of the site, it's pretty big, so get a cup of coffee before taking a peek! Happy vacation!

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Go and have a great time. My Dad has two dogs, one of which he hand feeds all the time (no health problems, the dog is just very spoiled). Well my Dad leaves the dogs with my niece at least a couple times a year and worries non-stop about them (as we all do). The big family secret is that both dogs do great and the one that is hand fed eats like a champion. That said, I'd still padlock the gate!

Edited to add "Hey I have two paw prints!"

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I'm so lame. It's to the point we take him everywhere now. We went to the Daytona 500 in Feb, and we decided at the last minute we were gonna take him. We ended up staying a few extra days before the race at the Universal Orlando, at the Loews. OMG, they are soooo puppy friendly there. They even arranged to have a sitter for us for the day of the race.

He is :king:

Oh and a WhoopWhoop to Brody'sMom for the 2 paw prints !

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We are leaving next week for Seattle and I can certainly understand your reluctance. I am sure I will be a worry-wart, too.

My son, who is 23, will be 'babysitting' while we are away. Given his age, I shouldn't have to worry but......see, there I go. But, but, but...... ;) !


Cathy and Piper

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Make sure to check into getting a fastpass as it will save you time waiting in line. It will be hot! Last year we made up a game for our dd. For any negative comment made, it had to be followed through w/ a positive comment. For example, while waiting in line and beginnig to sweat, my sister complained how long it was taking. My dd came back w/ "at least we're ahead of those people", as she pointed to the end of the line. It really helps w/ children.

For more information, check out this site:


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I am preparing for the heat (case of sunscreen and a insulated water bottle holder) and yes we'll do the fastpass. It's when I see someone there with a dog (and if it's a Cairn....the tears, the sobs) I will not only be calling home several times a day, I will want to hear them bark ( :lol: That won't be a problem. All I'll have to do is yell "CAT" into the phone to get Maddy going, "Come in" to get Winnie barking and Elliott will follow suit.

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