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Dog Days of Summer

Guest mrskti

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Guest mrskti

We are having fun this summer.....The puppies are so much fun and Ellie has adapted to water like, well....a fish! Dori just likes to look. Here's a little fun we were having today.

The diving Diva! :D


She's soooo cool! B)


And Dori thinks the water "looks good", but she'll stay high and dry thank you! :huh:


And of course, Ellie's version of "I'm Queen of the World"!!!!!


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LOVE the pics!!!

It makes me miss the pool we used to have at our old house sooooo much!! Especially THIS summer since it has been soooo hot!!!

Thanks for sharing!


Cathy and Piper

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What cute pictures! Our Spike absolutely loves the water! He takes every opportunity to play in it. We have a big plastic bowl full of water for our aging German Shepard outside and he loves to put front feet in and start "digging"like crazy and then he puts the hind legs in and just splashes away until the water is almost gone. Guess I need to get him a bigger "pool"! :lol: Grace likes to look at the water but thats all.

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Talk about the good life!! :lol: Those pictures are wonderful.

I hope hubby doesn't see them...several years ago we filled in our inground pool. Had I known I'd have 3 Cairns, two of which are water lovers, I might have re-thought that decision. Of course the family never let me forget it when the temp hits the 90's.

Oh well, now we have gardens..... :confused:

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What great pictures! I love the diving one. I would KILL to have a swimming pool. All I have is Scully's plastic Nemo pool. :confused:

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Oh my gosh, those are awesome photos! Elli is amazing! Love the one of her in the goggles! :lol:

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Guest mrskti

We do have fun in that pool....going out there in a minute too! Ellie loves that air mattress, she gets in there and starts chasing her tail around, it's really funny. Not funny though when she was stanging on my stomach trying to chase her tail....she's a little heavy for that!! lol

We were deciding last year weather to fill it in or get a new liner, so we got a new liner, added on to the concrete and built a huge arbor over half the deck. Now i found a guy to redo the finish of the concrete. I'm never done with projects around here!!!

Glad you liked the pics, we all love our babies when they're playing!!!

Lets see some more summer/water shots!

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That does it! I'm coming to visit each and every one of you who have pools! :D I can't take the jealousy anymore!

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I'm with you Scully's Mom! The heat and humidity are back and I am ready for Fall. We could take a tour of the pools and stop in CT to see Kayharley. She has tea and wine chilling and made lots of snacks in anticipation of Twomanypaws evacuating from the storm! We'll be all set! ;)

I just wish my dogs liked the water. They want no part of it.

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Love the diving photo! The water looks sooo good!

Alfie would not go into a pool, but he would readily go into a stream where he can wade. So he'll be like Petey, the king of world, but he'd rather watch!

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