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Hurricane coming, WE'RE EVACUATING!


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Well, we have a mandatory evacuation effective tomorrow morning. Hurricane Dennis is coming our way. Dh doesn't want to chance it, so I guess we're heading to my sister's in Jacksonville. It will take two vehicles for all of our pets. The cairns and lab will ride w/ my dd and I in the van. Dh will take the aussie and his cockatoo in his car. Oh, dd insists we take her hamster too. I'm dropping the other pets off at a friends and I guess our lizards will be on their own. They don't eat everyday, so we'll load them up w/ crickets and hope for the best. My sister HATES pets, but she's not going to turn us away. She's in a new home, all hardwood floors, so looks like the big dogs will be in the garage. I am bringing my cairns into the bedroom as they all have their own crate. This is NOT going to be fun.

Prayers would be appreciated that we have a home to come back to. I'm busy packing up all the pictures, important papers . . . etc. I'll update when I get a chance.


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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My prayers and those of my family are with you and your family for a safe trip and that your home will be spared. Now I'll be worried until we hear from you again.

I'm trying to picture the Toomanypaws Menagerie vs. a hurricane. The hurricane doesn't stand a chance! :D

Wishing you His blessings for safety.

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Please travel safely and keep us informed if you can...we'll be worried and thinking about all of you.

P.S....If by some chance you get lost in the storm and end up in New England, you and your crew are more than welcome here in CT with us. Our hardwood floors are Cairn terrier friendly, we love hamsters and it might just be fun.

On a serious note....I will say a prayer for everyone affected by old Mother Nature.

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Thanks for all of your prayers and positive thoughts. I'm off to bed. I packed well and crammed everything in so that dh, dd, and I can travel in just the van w/ all the pets. I've got Kiara & Abbey in their crates in the very back w/ our aussie and cockatoo and our luggage. Hannah and our lab will ride in the middle couch w/ our dd, w/ her hamster at her feet. Of course I'll have snacks and pet food/supplies stuffed everywhere there's an extra space, but it's going to work. I'm still praying that this storm turns more west and our mandatory evacuation is lifted.

Kayharley, I'd LOVE to come visit you and I know we'd probably talk all night about our fiesty cairns.

I'll try to update if possible. Please stay positive for us. :thumbsup:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Good luck, Beth! I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that it doesn't reach your area at all. Keep in touch and let us know how you are all doing. ((hugs)).

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We used to live in Ft. Walton Beach when my oldest two were very young. I remember when we had a mandatory evacuation. Very disrupting. Our prayers are with you, travel safely and thank you for the warm welcome to the board.



Sheila - mom of Maximus

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Good luck to you! I think we should say a prayer for all of the pets and their families that might be in Dennis's path. (I'll even try to say one for the reptiles, but ewww.......)

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I'm sure you've left by now but I will be praying that Dennis weakens and does no damage! Please let us know when you return. :hug:

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Guest posting as: pepandfriend's m

Hope your family has a safe trip and return.

On the news it looked like this thing might be hopefully turning more to north from northeast. My mom lives in Miss. but about 150 miles inland. All best,

Pam (Pepandfriend's mom)

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*** UPDATE ***

We decided not to evacuate yesterday being Hurricane Dennis dropped down to a cat. 2 and we were no longer under mandatory evacuation. I kept the van packed until late afternoon just in case. I knew my sister wasn't thrilled about us coming w/ the dogs. When she told me on the phone how after her dh had time to digest it all, we could keep all of the pets in the garage, not in the house. She said she didn't mind the lab inside if I put socks on his feet. She has this natural cherry hardwood floor that she's constatnly buffing. I guess she thought Kiara, Abbey and Hannah would stay in their crates the whole time being she didn't want them running around. She did say we could hold them as long as we didn't put them down. She was afraid they might scratch her floor. Dh just filed their nails way down so there's hardly any nails and no way they would hurt her precious floor. We knew this wasn't going to work out and made arrangements w/ a doctor friend of dh's who owns a hotel in Lake City. As the hurricane kept going more to the west, we cancelled the hotel. We were back under mandatory evacuation, but that is due to part of our zone is low and there was a concern about the surge. We are up high where we live and have a lake behind that would prevent us from flooding.

This morning, Hurrican Dennis is back up to a cat. 4 but heading towards Alabama/Mississippi. We will still get strong winds and will be under a tornado watch. I've got the cairn's crates lining a hallway just in case I need to protect them. I also got stocked up on wee-wee pads for Abbey, and some of their favorite treats. They're all so cute. As I stepped over their toys in the kitchen last night, I told dh I wouldn't have it any other way. For some reason, my sister likes my lab (liked my previous one too), but has never warmed up to the cairns. She said she just pictures them yapping all the time. They're all sleeping right now, and yes, they can be very vocal. I guess I'd rather have my lively home filled w/ "character" than my sister's million dollar house that feels more like an art gallery.

I'm amazed at how strong the winds are getting, so please keep positive for us and say a prayer for those getting the direct hit.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I'll be praying!.

I have a sister in Jax also...I know if Kai-lee had to go to her house she would be lucky to stay in the garage but most likely it would be the yard!

Stay safe!

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Please stay safe and give your babies kisses from Grilly!


P.S. Where are you in florida? I hope you aren't too close! I am worried!

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Spike, Gracie and all of us here near St.Louis are keeping you and your family in our thoughts. We are following the hurricane on the cable channels and hoping you and yours will be safe and sound! Please let us know how you are. Linda

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Sorry, I am late on this post.. Praying that you and your family are ok.

We are in Southwestern, Ga so we got 4 inches of rain from the storm along with some wind but that was it. Here's hoping that you were as lucky! Please let us know how you are!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Please accept my belated thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Hope this morning finds you safe and sound at home. We lost phone service all weekend in our area due to the remains of TS Cindy so I am catching up with my Cairn friends here!

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Hi, Beth, please give us another update when you can, and I hope that your family and all pets and your house are fine. I am glad that it veered away (a little) from your area. The weather channel last night reported on a lot of power outages right in the coastal area.


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Hello Beth,

My thoughts, prayers and best wishes go out to you. I have been keeping an eye on this storm as my boss has a home in Sanibel but I don't think Dennis is heading that way. She got clobbered pretty hard last year! Stay safe and let us know how you are all doing.


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