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nylabone warning


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I just found this on the internet:


"...Their vet found two pieces of what appeared to be Nylabone stuck in Rambo's stomach and intestine..."

I had been searching the internet for a contact address for Nylabone. I had bought Wes a brown nylabone a few weeks ago, and after he had it a few moments, it began to splinter. So I took it away before it did any damage.

I wanted to get my money back and while searching, discovered that Nylabone ingestion can be fatal.

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Thanks for sharing that Sally. I don't know why but I never bought one for Scully. It just seemed like it was too "plastic-y" and I was afraid of her ingesting it.

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Nylabone was highly recommended in the pamphlet I got from the breeder.

Someone is suing the manufacturer for wrongful death, because nylabone fragments cannot be detected by x-ray. (Now, for what it's worth, I don't feel all that horrible about Wes' exploratory surgery.)

We have to be so careful.

The website I found this on also lists other products I didn't know were dangerous to pets' health.

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I read that report not long ago and tossed every single nylabone we had out the door. I then did some research and in my opinion, I think it all boils down to watching our dogs with what we gIve them for toys/chews. Although it's not only difficult, it can be almost impossible considering they are DOGs and not children....I know mine can out run and out smart me alot of the time....okay, okay, MOST of the time. :shy:

I am guilty of assuming that a chew bone should last long enough for me to run down the hall to use the ladies room and not worry for those 2 minutes....not always the case.

There's so much out there with the bully sticks, raw bones, smoked bones, dried bones, nylabones, rawhide, rope toys, rubber toys, vinyl toys, stuffed toys, talking toys...

I don't know about you but I am slowly becoming a neurotic Cairn mommy who hopes to win the lottery and hire myself a Cairn nanny!!

In the meantime I'm just going to be as diligent as I can, try and keep them safe but still let them be dogs!

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If not nylabones, what else do y'all give your pups as a chew toy when they need to scratch that chewing itch? The rope toys dont last long at all, and the hollow bones are uninteresting to my pup unless they are filled with peanut butter. Would be grateful for suggestions...

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I got Cooper the coolest thing. It's purple and looks like a flying saucer and screws apart so you can put small treats inside...I put little dog bisquits in his. Then when you screw it back together, you can do it as tight or as loose as you want. His gets screwed all the way down. As he works at it, it unscrews maybe a quarter of the way, just enough for him to work the treats out....keeps him busy for a good thirty minutes, then he goes and steals Yoda's, because Yoda can't figure out how to get the snacks out!

pat....who will look at the name on this invention once she can bend over again after falling down a flight of stairs earlier tonight!

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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We give our two the Bully Sticks but watch them while they eat them. It takes them about 15 to 30 minutes to finish one so it's pretty easy to take them away when the pieces get too small. I only give them about once every other week or so, so not very often. They have a smell, and my stomach, right now, can't handle the smell..yuck!

We also use the kongs and fill with this liver &^(& to squirt inside the kong. They LOVE it!!!!!!!! We only put a little inside and it keeps them busy for about 20 min and when they are finished they love playing fetch with the Kong.

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i bought that purple saucer for my pup, filled it with peanut butter and screwed it closed, then discovered he figured out how to unscrew it 5 mins later. :huh:

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I'm sure if I filled it with peanut butter, Cooper would get it all the way apart too! I have only put bisquits in mine and as soon as he has all of them out, he leaves it alone. He has never gotten it all the way apart.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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This product is highly touted-- and the company is owned by one of the companies that publishes various dog breed books. Boy, any dog who can fragment a Nylabone has me in awe. Perhaps it is just certain products. My dogs have avoided them: "Why on all of God's green earth would I chew on this petroleum derived product?"

Do they still make the Galileo, their product for super-chewy dogs?


Kongs stuffed with treats have their virtue. As much as I know dogs like Bully Sticks (don't you love that "euphemism"?), I cannot get the reality of what they are out of my mind. Maybe it's cultural. Maybe I am too imaginatibe. I found my mind in a factory that "produces" them. . . :confused: Now I am going to go away and try to forget about it

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Bottom line is what my breeder and my vet both recommended....and that was good old rawhide bones BUT to check it's source. I looked at this USA stuff at a quality feed store and found it came from some "unknown" region....duh!

I try and make sure what I buy is preservative free and from a reputable company. I also like the larger bones instead of those chips and small bones that can be ripped apart in record time.

If anyone cares to recommend a site or product that they find their Cairns loves, please forward it to us. I am constantly looking for the "magic" bone.

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"...Boy, any dog who can fragment a Nylabone has me in awe."

Wes did it in minutes! And with baby teeth too! 2 1/2 years old and never got his adult incisors- at least not yet!

I was planning to send the company back the bone. But I can't find it now.

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Arent the nylabones supposed to thread and rip up at the ends? Whenever my pup starts on one (the durable ones) they start threading and ripping up immediately. :confused::confused:

We tried the gummy nylabones and the dentachews when my pup was younger, but he ate them up and swallowed them like they were made of crusty bread. :huh:

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The problem is that there is nothing a dog can chew that is totally safe. I give Rudi the dental nylabones, it's the only type he will chew. Any toy that I see he can take chunks off I chuck out. I will not give him rawhide because of the number of times I've heard about dogs chocking on strips of it - and I've had to pull it out of my dog's mouths once or twice in the past.

I don't give Greenies because Rudi eats them in chunks and then throws them up. I did by edible Nylabones, but I read in the link that even they have caused blockages.

So - you are left with giving your dog nothing to chew.


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I am pretty sure we discussed this before in another thread.

The nylabone in that article from 2001 was called Placque Attacker and they took it off the market. Somedogs, especially large breeds, were breaking off huge chunks of it and swallowing them. During the digestion process these large pieces fused together and caused blockages. The gummable nylabones are for puppies only. After that the durables can be used unless your dog is a very aggressive chewer and can break off pieces. Emma just gnaws on hers and shaves off bits at a time, which is safe. Any toy, bone or object can be dangerous. It depends on your dog and how destructive he/she can be with these toys. Always best to supervise play with chew toys.

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