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Rain Problems


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It is a very rainy day in NY today, and my pup as usual just hates it. He is probably the only pup who doesn't like his face to get wet, and today it is unavoidable. :( He usually poops 3 to 4 times a day, but today he wont do his noon poop, not at all. Is it okay for him to skip one or two?? :(

Anyone else's pup absolutely hate the rain?? :confused:

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I don't think missing a poop is of great concern. I know at my age, there are days when I miss one or two too! :D When there are lulls in the rain let him out and hopefully he will go. Nothing to worry about!


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I'm glad this topic came up because I'm worried about the no poop or less than the usual 3-4 poops a day! Good to hear that's ok.

Now, Milopup, have you already thought about winter time? I'm worried about it, what if there are snowstorms? Or we'll just cross the bridge when we get there....

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The snow is actually not that bad. For Bosco's first winter we were still in California so except for needing to put a sweater on him (okay more for me, since he was soooo cute!) everything was fine. Last winter was his first in NY - he wasn't that bad, actually liked the snow. We have a little fleece coat for him, and he was fine. He refuses to wear boots (will pull them off while hopping on the other 3 paws) so we either use Musher's Wax, or else make sure to clean his paws off very well as soon as we get in the door.

The rain is what I still don't know how to deal with - he really does not like to get wet, especially hates getting his face wet. He has been sleeping much of the day, so I hope it is okay that he is not active and wont go out. :(

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Have you tried using a golf umbrella? They are huge and might cover Bosco while he poos....just a thought!

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Tabitha hates thunderstorms, but will still go potty even if it's pouring outside (as long as there is no thunder)

I took Teona outside yesterday in the rain and she could care less about getting wet, she didn't potty, but she wasn't scared.

I think your pup will be just fine. I sometimes use the large umbrella trick, but it's for me. If I walk out into the grass, Tabitha will follow.

good luck :)

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I do use a golf umbrella and even put a little raincoat on him but he just really doesn't like to get wet. :(

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Grilly hates the rain too!

I really have to coax him outside.

It is really funny in the am. He will

hide under the bed! Silly Grilly!


P.S. He hates his raincoat more than the rain.


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Guest Darcy's Mom

Well, it seems there are a few people in the same boat as I am in (excuse the pun). Darcy WILL NOT go outside if it is raining. We live in Alabama and unless you've been living in a cave lately you know about the hurricanes. We live in middle Alabama (thank goodness, not on the coast) but we still get the rain and thunderstorms that the hurricanes produce.

Well, we just got over one and here comes Dennis. Anyway, two nights ago I got home from work and asked my husband if Darcy ever went outside today, To my amazement, he just looked at me and said "I couldn't get her to go out." I wonder how hard he tried? It had been raining cats and dogs (again, excuse the pun) all day and I couldn't imagine her not having to go. She's really nervous when it thunders and of course that usually accompanies storms. Well, I put her leash on her and I swear she cussed at me, and refused, refused to go out the door. So I took the leash off and began fixing our dinner. It was about 7:00 and the next thing I know, Darcy is at the door whinning. I opened the door and the screen door and she just stood there as if she was thinking, Do I really want to go out in that?

She made several atttempts, running out onto the deck and then running back in the house all soaking wet. Meantime, I'm watching all this and thinking, she'll make a dash for it when she can't hold it any longer. As a precaution I had put down some newspaper on the kitchen floor. After about five attempts at outside she finally gave up and just sat in the kitchen at the open door and yipped and whined. It was the most pitiful thing, but kinda funny too. Here was this little dog wanting to go do her business and because of the thunder and rain she was refusing to go outside.

Finally, she just gave a few disgusted barks and went around the kitchen table and went on the paper. We applauded her as if she was the best dog in the world. I know she felt better and we did too. Anyway, that's how stubborn these Cairns can be.

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I think the rain has enhanced the hunting conditions, Mia is begging to go outside and does not want to come back in. I wish the "yard" had more grass and less something other than grass.

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I'm need to check into getting a larger umbrella. Booker is ok with the rain, but when we go out, I cover him (with small umbrella) more than myself. He winds up getting a little bit wet, I wind up getting soaked..............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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I use a beach umbrella (it's really big) when I go out with the pups in the rain. Petey doesn't mind getting his feet wet, but Belle absolutely hates it! She's usually glued to my side under the cover of the umbrella, so I have to get my feet wet too!

P.S. That picture of Grilly in his raincoat is a riot!

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Liddy is a rain-hater, too. I usually try to get her to do her business in the garage or on our front porch, but even then it takes forever. I always feel bad for her when it rains because she gets such a disgusted/disappointed look on her face...poor pup.

Brody'sMom, I think you're right about the hunting conditions. Right after the rain stops, Liddy likes to go outside and snuffle around. She's not much of a digger, but when the ground is wet she'll sometimes dig.

I love Grilly's pic in the raincoat. He looks like he's ready for an adventure! :lol:

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Tink hates the rain also - squints her eyes as if she is getting water into them. She has a raincoat, but that doesn't help too much. My dh, bless him, took her out this morning for 25 minutes in the rain before she did everything that needed to be done. We have a fenced yard, but the two of them have been taking morning and evening walks over the past few weeks, and I guess they didn't want to miss that even in the rain! Anyway, they were both soaked when they came in today and she went wild running all over the house like a crazy pup. I think she felt good even though she was dripping :thumbsup:. Personally, I'd have taken her out in the backyard for a quick pee and poo and back into the nice dry house. He (my dh) can be a saint about some things :!:



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I wish Savannah hated the rain. When it rains, she will run around the backyard through mud puddles and all enjoying every second of it and if it is thundering, she is barking too. Aftewards, I can stand outside on the covered porch with her for 5 minutes and the little stinker always waits until she is in the house to shake off and get water all over my walls. :nono: She looks so funny when she is wet that you can't be mad though. :halo:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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When my pup is wet (from rain or from my washing his face) he will run around the house rubbing his face on the carpet. He gets very upset if he doesn't dry off his face, and he gets mad at me if I don't dry him off enough after we come in from the rain. :)

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Rain doesn't stop Kiara from going outside, as long as it's not thundering. Hurricane Dennis brought us alot of wind & rain, but no thunder/lightning so Kiara had no problem going outside. I do have a beach umbrella for little Hannah and I've given up on Abbey. I had to buy a package of wee-wee pads prior to the hurricane for her. For a while the rain really came down hard and Hannah even used the pad once. Kiara is a die hard and will hold it until she can go outside.

Forgot to add, Kiara loves having a towel waiting for her and will scoot it all over the floor drying her face.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Tink went 24 hours without going pee yesterday. It wasn't because she didn't have the chance because we took her out time and again, but she wouldn't go in the rain. Once last night we were in the back yard where I was trying to get her to go, and instead I went - down on my bottom. Slipped on the wet grass and slid into mud - what a sight. I went into the house and turned her over to my dh for the night. She finally went at 6:30 this morning for the first time since yesterday morning. Don't know how she could hold it that long. Not long ago I was whining because she was peeing all over my house, so I guess I should be thankful she can now hold it :thumbsup: .



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