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Has your house gone to the dogs?


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I have decided that my home has really gone to the dogs. This last week Simon our bird decided to become a dog. Yes he is barking just like the boys. At first it was a few little barks now he does it the minute I walk in the door. The dogs are quiet but the bird barks.

Go figure


So here is a list help me add to it

You know your house has gone to the dogs when:

1. Your bird barks when you come in the door.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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2. When the dog invites herself to join you whenever you leave in the car or walk out the door.

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4. When your dog has a place set for them at the dinner table.

There is no faith which has never yet been broken except that of a truly faithful dog. -- Konard Lorenz
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8. When YOU have to squeeze into the bed and the dog moans when you bump him with your leg.


Cathy and Piper

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12. When you get on your hands/knees to look under the bed for your shoes/socks.............jan

PS...To pjoe's girls, that's exactly what I'm doing except I'm not sure if I want tile or laminate flooring, either way the carpeting is going.


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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13. You greet your dog first before your spouse and children when you get home from work.

Edited to add the number...lucky 13!

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You remove all curtains and drapes in favor of paw and nose stencils for window decor.

Your bathroom reading material consists of The Whole Dog Journal, Drs. Foster and Smith catalogs and The Comprehensive Guiide to Owning and Caring for your Cairn Terrier.

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Guest mrskti

16. When you go truck shopping you have to make sure the crate fits in the backseat!!

(my last room of carpet is on it's way out too & in the florida house!)

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19. When you make your grocery shopping list and the first thing that gets written is "treats." (The heck with what the rest of the family needs to eat! :P )

P.S. Just read this somewhere: " God made dogs and spelled his own name backwards"

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20. When you try not to ever use your front door because it is easier for the dog to get out that way. :( Carport door becomes door of choice. :lol:

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16. when returning from the grocerie store ... you forgot the milk, but not the dog treats and dog toys. :-)

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23. When you ask your neighbor if you can borrow their baby pool rather than a cup of sugar :).


Cathy and Piper

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24. When you call your spouse "Mommy" or "Daddy" around the dog and you have no human kids.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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~~~hanging head in shame because I'm #24~~~

25. You put your hand in your jacket pocket and there's dog treats inside

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