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Off-Topic: Need Prayers For Special Canine Kaiser


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Note: Brad, I hope this is okay to put this in here even though it's not about a Cairn. If not, I won't be offended if you delete it.

I think I've mentioned before that we have a German Shepherd and a Black Lab on my squad who handle bomb threats and hazardous materials, etc. Kaiser, the Shepherd, just graduated from Cadaver School, a grueling training for 10 weeks at the Police Academy. He's on standby right now to go to Aruba to look for that young woman.

He was in the office yesterday and had several bouts of "the runs" all over the carpet. The agent left and took him to the vets and we found out last night that Kaiser is in the hospital on IVs and there's some kind of blood deficiency and needs blood transfusions.

I'd like to ask, if I could, for your good thoughts for Kaiser. This might sound weird, but he works really hard to keep not only my world safe here from terrorists, but he travels all around the country so he possibly could be keeping you all safe at some time.

Thanks in advance.


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Many prayers and good thoughts for Kaiser! Since he works for the Police Department, he is obviously very strong. I am sure that he will be fine. Just glad that you took him in when you did! Please keep us posted on his condition! Hugs and Kisses sent from Savannah! :hug:

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Scully's Mom, thanks for informing us of this situation. I am sending my prayers and positive thoughts to Kaiser, his trainers and everyone in your office. Also sending my thanks to them for the work they do to help all of us. Your message was especially poignant with the tragic news out of London this morning. Dogs like Kaiser will be needed to help in the rescue there. You are all heros. Let's hope the vets can get Kaiser back on duty real soon. Keep us posted.

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Joanne....my parents had a German Shepherd that looks just like him! Oh, how they adored that dog.

Kaiser is in my thoughts and prayers. Please update us when you can.


Cathy and Piper

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Brad, my apologies for putting a Shepherd in the Cairn forum and thank you, sincerely, for allowing it to be open for this last post.

I just got a call from Kaiser's handler (who slept at the vet's all night on the floor next to Kaiser's crate at the vet). He is doing well and can probably come home today after another blood transfusion and a round of IV antibiotics.

The vet seems to feel that since part of Kaiser's cadaver training was recently doing searches on boats and around water, he probably picked up something perhaps from around the water. But it looks like he's going to be okay.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. Brad, again I thank you for allowing this in. (You hit hit closed now! ;) )

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