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Hi I'm new to this forum and owning Cairns too. I have a boy named Tuff (4 1/2 months) and a girl named Tippy. My girl is 10 weeks and we got Tuff at 8 weeks, when Tuff was alone he would do all the things everyone has described here about how Cairns are as pups, I thought I would go insane, he use to chase my poor cats all over the house :twisted: , they finally would swat him once in awhile but that didn't last long :shock: but then he needed it. When I added Tippy he mellowed out allot towards the cats, he and she keep each other company and can keep up with each other. Sometimes they are best of friends, but they love to argue allot, and when they do it sounds like a couple of gremlins in the house. Now that Tuff is almost 5 months old I am seeing that he is on his way to becoming a real good dog, he has some of the cutest facial expressions and is becoming a good listener. I hope my Tippy follows his foot steps soon, :shy: she is going through the baby stage still and I can get a bit impatient with it since I have been going through the baby stage since March. I know she will since now I see how they start maturing. I have to admit, I don't put them in crates, they are spoiled and sleep in bed with my husband and I. :wub: I would like to show pictures of them but don't know exactly how. Do you have to have a web page? Or can you just upload them to this forum directly. Thanks and Oh Yeah, I'm Sue

Tuff & Tippy

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Hi Sue and welcome to you, Tuff and Tippy! I have a 7 y.o. cairn and a 9 y.o. cat. They get along great although we can "egg" Carolina on to bark at and chase the cat. She begins almost every morning by chasing the cat out of the bedroom! :devil:

As for pictures, I can only attach photos as opposed to putting them full size into posts. I'm not very goot at it but if you go to the main page, (Cairn Talk Forum) there is a "test" page where you can practice. I think there are also directions there.

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Hi Marsha, Thanks I will go try out the test page, My pups still go after the cats, but not nearly as bad as when I had only one pup. They are fun to watch when they are wrestling with eachother, or one will chase the other back and forth across the house. :)

Tuff & Tippy

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There's a special forum for questions about the forums - Forum support - a good place to browse or ask a question when you're curious about how something works, or how to do something with the forum software.

The small clickable images are attachments - here's how to do them.

My favorites are embedded or 'inline' images (as long as they are not too big and slow down or break the forum by being wider than the post area). Even if you don't have your own website, there are free image hosting sites where you can put pictures. These sites pretty much exist to help people share their images and do things like post them in forums.

Hope that helps.

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Welcome to Cairn Talk! Your puppies sound adorable and I'm looking forward to pictures of them!

I have two Cairns...both female...Scout is 3 and Finch is 15 months old. My two are best buddies and I can't imagine one without the other!

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Welcome to the family! Can't wait to hear stories and see pictures of your babies!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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