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Hello everyone! I am new to posting here, but have been "lurking" here since before we bought our cairn, Max. Well actually Maximus Aurelius, according to my youngest son and husband! You all helped me to convince my family that a cairn would be a good choice for a new member of our family. So thank you all very much. There has been so many trying times during Max's arrival that when something came up...potty training, "crazy dog", not paying any attention at all, I could go to this site and say to my husband "Hey, see he's not psycho...he's a cairn!!" :P He is an absolute delight and we are so glad we have him. When he sits on his bottom and cocks his head and gives a little whine...to when he yawns first thing in the morning and it sounds like a bird. He absolutely loves water. He cries cause he can't get in the shower with me, attacks our sprinkler and swims in our pond daily. We have found out that the only way he'll come to us is if we say a version of his name to the tune of Beethoven's 5th symphony..Maxi-ma-mus....Maxi-ma-mus. It's a good thing we live in the country or our neighbors would probably think we are insane! I'll try to post a picture as soon as I figure that all out, even though he always looks mad in them. ( I think it's the unqualified person taking the photo!) Boy, it looks like I should have joined sooner, so that I wouldn't have written a book!



Sheila - mom of Maximus

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Hi Maximus' mama, love your new pup's name! I also had to laugh at you calling him to the tune of Beethoven. I have three cairns, two who NOW come when they are called. My youngest one does come, but she will literally run to me if I change my voice to a high pitch. Yes, I do have neighbors but I don't care, just glad my cairns come when called. It's funny having three, they're all different in so many ways. Only my middle cairn, Abbey loves to attack the hose. When she sees me getting it to fill the "cairn kiddie pool", she gets all excited and barks for me to squirt her or squirt the cement so she can chase the water. My youngest cairn loves wading in the pool, and my oldest wants nothing to do w/ water.

I'm just glad you came out from lurking and decided to post. Now we'll be asking for a picture of Maximus Aurelius! Please post one soon!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Welcome Maximus' Mama! I am glad you're enjoying your "crazy dog" as much as we're enjoying our own crazies!

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Welcome to Cairn Talk, Maximus's mom! Maximus sounds like a typical Cairn Terrier...the crazier, the more adorabel they are...well...sometimes! LOL!

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Welcome Maximus's Mom! So glad to have all these new parents and new puppies! Can't wait to see pics!

I love the name!!! :offtopic: (Sorry) Isn't it funny how we have so many member's with so many pups and I can't recall ever seeing two pups here with the same name??

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Welcome to Cairn Talk! We'd love to hear stories about Maximus, not only the good, but also the :devil: ones. They're fun to have around!!!!

Anna and Alfie

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Welcome Max and Max's mom from me, Duffy and Mickey. You will love being a member of this forum. Great people, great stories and great advice to be found!


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I have to say , if it weren't for this place, I would never have been able to survive cairn ownership, It lets you know you aren't alone , and that the breed has it quirks that are normal for the breed. It's a lifesaver , yeppers.

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