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Savannah's Adventure


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This weekend my husband and I had to attend an out of town wedding so Savannah had to stay with my parents from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon. Between my Dad and younger brother, I don't think she slept much the whole time we were gone. If someone was willing to play, she wasn't about to go to sleep!!! When we got her home on Sunday, she could hardly keep her eyes opened. We thought she would get a chance to catch up on her sleep yesterday but we had company over and then the fireworks started so she was all over the place visiting with the company and barking at the fireworks for the majority of the day. Needless to say, she was POOPED today. I couldn't even get her to get out of her bed this morning to go outside and potty. She normally plays while I get ready for work but this morning, she laid on the floor and watched. I actually think that she was relieved that she was going to get to stay in her bed today and sleep while we were at work! I could almost hear the sign of relief! What did the rest of the Cairn Talk babies do over their 4th of July weeked??

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Alfie had a blast! We attended a BBQ on July 3 where there were four other dogs. It was a pool party, but I was surprised Alfie did not jump right into the pool (the depth must have scared him- he's used to the stream in our backyard where he can wade all day if we let him). None of the dogs went in, anyway, they all ran around and played. Alfie did discover the gate to freedom and we spent about 10 minutes running after him across the street, through the backyard and across another field. He couldn't wipe that smile off his face even after he was caught. He was kept on his long leash. There were small kids who had fun with him -- Alfie was such a good sport -- they poured water on him with a toy sprinkler, tickled him, poured more water....he's so good with kids like that, he'll let them do anything to him and he doesn't mind at all....

The most bizarre thing....someone at the party approached me and said Alfie looked so sad on his leash, why do we do that to him? And do we want to leave him behind instead??? I glared back at her and said NO..... <_<

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I agree Anna. Savannah would much rather come along and be on her leash then have to stay at home! Now when she sees her leash, her ears go back and she runs to the door! She gets so excited cause she has learned what that means! I also noticed that Savannah seems to know the difference between children and adults. She is much gentler with them, esecially when she takes a treat from their hands. :D

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Oh, what I meant is that the lady was insinuating that we leave Alfie behind with her! Alfie did not look sad at all...the nerve of her asking if wanted to give him up...she was really interested in him from the time she saw Alfie. And yes, Alfie would rather come along everywhere we go!

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Here is what Carolina did over the 4th weekend! We took our boat out to a lake near us 3 days in a row to waterski and wakeboard. The first one is her checking out what's going on outside the boat. The next one is her in her favorite place, below the driver's feet. She's all curled up on the towels snoozing. She LOVES the boat!



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I would LOVE to be in Carolina's place on that boat! Both of those pictures are terrific. She looks like she's thoroughly enjoying the breeze in her fur!

Scully just absolutely slept all day today. My husband and I went back to work after a long weekend. She got up at 4:45 and by 5:30 was out until almost noon. Then my mom said she came downstairs, went out and did potty and then came back and climbed in her bed.

It's so tough being a Cairn! :P

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Carolina is one lucky girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks like she is having a blast looking out at the water!

We pretty much went inside and out all day, bringing the dogs out to play and go potty. They spent the fireworks time down in the basement and seemed to do fine....I'm glad the 4th is over for their sanity!

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This 4th of July weekend had me redesigning their new "playground" fencing that I put in last week. Seems I did okay with the play area concept but forgot to think about how they'd get into it and back on their own so....after a couple trips to Home Depot and some nasty wire cuts, plier pinches and hammer sores, I thought I finally got it right.

From our raised deck they go down the stairs onto the walkway and into their play area, now all securely fenced in. It was great until I realized I forgot one important detail....the gate locks. And who but Elliott/Houdini to remind me.

There I am mowing the backyard when I see this small shadow walking behind me...Elliott. There seemed to be a small gap under my make-shift gate (2 sections of an ex-pen) that maybe a gerbil could possibly squeeze through, not a 16lb. Cairn!

So I was back to the drawing board, back to Home Depot and hopefully by Labor Day I'll get it right!! :lol:

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