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"Stick Tights" In Fur


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After spending a long weekend at the farm, Mila now is covered with little green burrs, locally called "stick tights". I've been pulling them out for days, but they are still there. She loves playing ball and running free through the woods, but what a mess. Does anyone have an easy way to get those little things out of fur? I'm afraid I'm going to have to get the scissors out and I really don't want to do that. Thanks for any suggestions!


Wonder if Crisco or some type of cooking oil would help loosen/soften them? Help them 'slide' better??

Just a thought.....of course, you probably have to follow up with a bath.


Cathy and Piper


I have used Goop cleaner to get tree sap out of our pups' coats and I'll bet it might make the little burrs easier to remove. I did have to bathe them afterward though. Good luck! Linda


Thanks for your responses. After picking through the fur, a good brushing and a little help from her biting them out, she is now back to normal. She is no worse from the wear and tear and she had fun, that is what matters!


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