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It's going to be a loooong weekend!


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We didn't have any problems with our two last year at this time. Finch was only a little over 3 months old, but the fireworkds didn't bother her. Scout could have cared less.

Well, ever since the scare of the "roofers from hell" episode, where she ran away...fast...from the "bad men" on the roof (neighbors were putting a new roof on). she has been on the edge a little...not bad...but you can see her concern.

Yesterday, as I was taking her outside to go potty and then to tie her to her lead for an 1/2 hour...just as we went out the door....there was a large boom from one of the neighobors house. Finch stoppped in her tracks, and headed straight for the back door! I couldn't get her to go out into the grass. I sat down on one of our chairs and she hopped on my lap..clinging to me. She kept looking up at OUR roof checking out the scene. AFter about 5 min (I wanted her to feel safe outside) I brought her in and she headed straight for the basement.....it's going to be a very long weekend! We have lots of neighbors who shoot of fireworks and it's already starting and ends a few days after the 4th. Any suggestions of how I can get her to cope better with this situation? Finch is 15 months old now.

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Fortunately, not many people shoot of their own fireworks where I live (I think it is illegal), but there are a few organized shows and Brody is a little afraid of the sound. He usually just sits with us or gets in his crate. If I lived where they fireworks were a big problem, I think I'd try to create a cave for him, by covering his crate and moving it into a closet (with the closet and crate door open) or bedroom.

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Try what I did b/4 I realized that fireworks didn't worry Maggie and Geordie one iota. During their early years I would stick them in crates and play a continuous loop of Mozart lest they get rattled. 1) They were safe, and 2) there was a chacne that this would boost their IQs (something I now might have regretted). But it's an idea you might try if your dog turns into a basket case.

I soon learned that Geordie loved really vicious thunder storms. My husband sat under the eaves of the house to watch, and he "asked" to sit on his lap and enjoy the visuals. For the last several years, I have been taking him around the 'hood on the Fourth, so that he can enjoy the yearly pyrotechnics. A few years ago, he sat on the lap of the toddler across the street to enjoy the ground-bloom flowers and more.

And, no, they're not deaf. Only when they want to be. Like the other residents in the house. Maggie is fairly neutral on fireworks. She doesn't mind them when she's inside.

Shake cans never did a bit of good with these two.

Some swear by the Bach Flower combo, Rescue Remedy.

Jill and her weird dogs. B)

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I'm going to have the same problem as you, Shoe. Madison is so sensitive to thunderstorms and now the fireworks.

The other day some of our neighbors let off some minor ones and Maddy literally took off....she bolted through the back yard, over the stone wall barking like crazy. I expected her to run into the house but she did the opposite.

Tomorrow night is going to be awful.

I'll also welcome any suggestions as to making it as stress-free as possible.

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Kay, it IS going to be a long night. We spend alot of time in the basement and she seems fine down here. I think she is just going to have to spend most of her day dowstairs. She was out today and seemed fine. The wierd thing is that she is not afraid of thunderstorms.....at least she wasnt'. I think this all stems from the time she freaked out about the roofers next door and went bolting down a busy street, running away as fast as she could! When I had her out yesterday, while she was scared, she kept looking up at our roof! Darn those roofers!

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We survived the night, but both Brody and Mia were very afraid of the fireworks. Earlier in the evening a few people were setting off firecrakers and bottle rocket type things (I've very out of it when it come to fireworks) when Mia and Brody were outside. Brody hightailed it in, but Mia barked into the yard as if she were brave. However, I went to the yard to collect her and she came running to me clearly scared. Then about 12:00 AM (after we went to bed) some REALLY loud fireworks went off and kept going until nearly 1:00 AM. Both dogs ended up in bed with us!

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Whew! We made it throught the night! We had local fireworks go off at 9:30pm last night, but we were in the basement and they didn't seem to care! Finch would perk up her ears and gave a few lame barks...but that was it! When we went to bed, neighbors came out of the woodworks and set more off around 11pm. Finch and Scout normally sleep with us, and they were both fine during the night....whew!

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Both the boys are terrified of firecrackers and we just had a major display on Canada Day (much like Fourth of July). Now Smokey runs under our bed after dark so he won't have to go out ofter dark. He is fine while it is daylight and after a few days he will be ok again.

I have kind of a sad story about Victoria Day here. The city had fireworks then and a woman's little 13 year old cairn ran away because it was so scared. There were flyers all over and there was a story in the paper and on the news. They also canvassed door to door. I talked to the woman and a volunteer from Colonel Potter Cairn Rescue. I haven't heard anything else so I hope they found her or at least that someone took her in and is loving her.

This makes me so conscious of making sure my boys are secure and safe. I would be devastated if anything happened.

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Man, I almost WISh Savannah was scared of the fireworks! She was outside barking like a mad woman trying to scare away those nasty fireworks! I ended up putting her in her bed and turning on the TV LOUD to drown out the noise. Luckily they stopped around 10 so we were able to sleep!

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