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All the pictures I've seen so far are excellent.

I'm due a new digital camera (maybe), so I'm wondering which one ya'll have used to take the pics in the forum..........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Jan, I have an Olympus Camedia....I think that is what it's called. It has 3.2 mega pixels and 10x optical zoom It's really easy to use. I am an avid garderner and I take tons of pictures of my flowers. The zoom really helps with this.

Here a close up pic:


This is a Pink Peony Poppy

I like the camera for taking pictures of my two dogs. I can be pretty far away from them and still get good shots. Here they are in the backyard, but I'm standing on the deck, pretty far away.


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Like Shoe, I also have an Olympus Camedia 3.2 mp, 10X opt. zm. Great camera for close ups. My dd got an A+ last year on her wild flower report. The pictures I took for her w/ this camera were awesome. Here's a picture of a butterfly on my bottlebrush:


This picture was taken through the glass aquarium.


The only problem I have w/ the Olympus is that everytime I download pics, they start w/ the same numbering and can easily overwrite a picture I've saved if I'm not careful and don't rename it:

At Christmas I purchased a Kodak Easy Share 5 mp, 3X opt. zm. and really love this for taking pictures of my pets. It's a great inexpensive camera. For 3X, it still zooms in pretty good. Here's a close up of my aussie's eyes:


and here's zooming into the Christmas tree:


When I download pics, I always get a thumbnail so that I never have to worry about overwriting a picture. All of my pictures on this forum since Dec. have been w/ my Kodak.

Edited to add:

I hope Apollo8it reads this post. I love the clarity of her pictures and would love to know what kind of camera she uses.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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*tosses Powershot S410 in trash* Actually, it's probably an OK camera - I just don't know how to use it.

Some great pictures get posted here. Even those that may lack 'technical merit' have Cairn personality shining through bright and clear. So they're all fun for me.

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We have two cameras. A Sony with 3.2 Megapixels and a 3X optical zoom. It is a good utilitarian camera. This is a typical configuration and a great starter camera (pretty much regardless of the manufacturer) as they are fairly inexpensive. Once we got the Cairns we found we wanted more zoom power (the cute stuff is always so far away!) so we purchased a Nikon 8800 that has 8 Megapixels and 10 X zoom. It takes great pictures that can be blown up to large sizes, but the files are HUGE. And actually the camera itself is huge, more like a real 35 mil. My Sony is very small and lightweight.

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I also have a Canon Camedia D-540 zoom, 3.2 pixel. (And I only knew that 'cause I read it off the front of the camera :D ) For what I've used it for, it's been terrific.

Toomanypaws (lol...I started to write Toomanyshoes) and Shoe, those pictures are astounding. I definitely need to start using my camera for something different.

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I have a Panasonic FZ20, with 5 megapixels, and 12 zoom.

I got it for Christmas and really don't know everything it

can do. I do love the zoom!



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I did a little research, I'd give serious consideration to the Olympus Camedia C-740 (I think that is the one several people have). The great thing about my Sony is that it is small, the great thing about my Nikon is the zoom. It seems like this Olympus is fairly small and it definitely has a great zoom (a feature you won't regret). I saw it listed at a reptuable NYC store for $ 249.95, which is more than you have to spend to get a decent camera but still a great price!

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I got mine at Best Buy (I buy mostly everything on-line). Fre shipping is available as well. Unfortunately I just checked and right now they're out of stock but look at the price!

Olympus Camera

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Before we get yelled at... :offtopic::offtopic::offtopic:

Okay, you guys got me to thinking so I went outside and tried out my zoom.



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In my house I am surounded by computer geeks and they tell me what to get my first camera was an HP its 4.1 mega pixel and I had it for about 4 years, I did not like the delay so I started looking for a camera like my old 35mm I decided on the olympus E=300 and then waited for sales and rebates. I love it ....no delay. It takes pictures good inside and out. It's only fault was sports pics and since I never take them it is ok. It can be automatic and manual and I like that.

I belonged for a couple of years to an online digtal club and learned so much. You have to have thick skin because some of them are proffesionals and they always trashed my pics but I admit I learned alot. On the site they have a camera review. it was called dpchallenge.

My husband considered the camera as an investment and told me to get one you will like and will keep and thats what I did. Then you have to learn to edit, I think they should have classes on that!!!!! It took forever for me to learn how to use the software.

good luck and have fun camera shopping!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Hallswel, It doesn't look like I'll ever visit your online digital club, especially if they're trashing your pictures. I love the pictures you take, always professional looking. I'm always looking into what will be my next digital. My nephew bought a Sony (not sure what model), but this digital will zoom into a flea on a cairn. :ninja: For the $1000 price tag, and being my cairns (and other two dogs) don't have fleas, I'll pass on that one.

Keep your pictures coming, they'll never be trashed here.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I have the Olympus Camedia C4000 4 megapix. Bought it used on ebay for $150 with extras . Ive posted many pics of the gang.....here's a pic of a daylilly in the back yard that I played with in Photoshop. Im just learning Photoshop so dont be too critical :whistle:


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My camera is a Canon PowerShot A20, 2.1 mega pixels with 7.5x zoom (optical & digital combined).


edit to add:

Greg, great pic of your daylily. I too sometimes play with photoshop. It's a fun program and I use the Photoshop bible as a reference.



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My husband and I did a lot of research, too, before choosing the Fuji Finepix S5000. It goes up to 6 megapixels, has a 10x optical zoom and a macro zoom lens function. It "feels" like a 35mm camera, which I like, and can be used on Auto settings or manual settings, like a 35mm camera. It's very user friendly and is comparable to other reputable brands at a much lower cost. We paid $349 for this one, and I used it to take my daughter's senior pictures. as well as my boys portraits and of course, my dogs. Here's my daughter's picture (keep in mind I've reduced the resolution to post on this site):


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I think I'm going to have to take a photography class! Wheezie what a great picture of your daughter, it looks totally professional. As do so many others.

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I am late on this topic as we were out of town with no computer but have a Sony 5.2 Megapixal with a 3X ( I think) zoom that we bought in April for $300.00. I love it! It is small and lightweight and takes great pics! I have posted several pictures of Savannah before and here is a piture of one of my lily's.


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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I also use an Olympus 5050 zoom. It's 5 MP and I've had it for almost 3 years. I love it. I also take lots of pics in my backyard. I also love the macro features.

Here's a few I've taken

this was our sweet kitty PJ. She passed at age 12 a few years ago from cancer :(


a beautiful dragonfly by the pond


water lilies in the backyard pond


frog in the lily pond


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In Michigan, I work at Bordine in the watergarden department and, Teri, those are fabulous pictures of your watergarden lilies. Living in a condo I can only dream since I am not inclined to keep a tub garden. :thumbsup:



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How do you keep your cairns out of the pond? We have a large fenced lot on a lake and my oldest cairn goes crazy after all of the frogs and toads that hop around our yard. I just know if she had access to a pond, she'd jump right in after anything.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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my oldest Cairn, Tabitha, hates the water. She will stand still in the sink for a bath, but she has no desire to get in the ponds. Both ponds are raised so it helps too. My youngest, Teona, did jump in the lily pond. She swam to the side, but couldn't get out. I'm glad i was there to see it.

I put up a small fence around the pond she got into just in case. My girls chase plenty of frogs and lizards, but never get to close to the ponds.

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Shoe, my dog looks like yours, especially the one on the left.... usually don't see that coloring so much in here.

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I'm leaning towards an Olympus, the dragonfly is gorgeous..............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Pjoes, I would love to see some pics of your dog.....I would love to have a doggie twin! Scout is a grey brindle and Finch is a red brindle...but turning lighter every day.

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Wow, some great pictures in this post!! The colors really come across well.

A general piece of advice on cameras.... My older brother works for a newspaper and he asked one of the photographers for advice on buying a digital camera. The photog told him to buy a digital from a camera brand rather than a computer company. Apparently the computer/electronic companies may have more gagets, but the camera companies know cameras (digital or otherwise).

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