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Another Cairn collectible.....


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Okay...I need to know WHERE you got those?

I love them and need a pair. I have some "milkbones" pjs

from Nick and Nora that have different types of dogs, including

cairns, but I need those. Thanks!


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You CANNOT post a pic of P.J.'s like that and not tell us where you got them!

They are adorable. I think maybe even Brad would get a pair, no? :whistle:

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I would love a pair too!!!!!!! I think maybe a long t-shirt for the summer and long flannels for the winter!

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I got these a few years ago at Sam's Club. I hardly ever wear them cause I don't want them too wear out too soon :shy: . I LOVE them!!

I also have the Nick and Nora's with the dog bones and Cairn's, too. Aren't they the cutest???

Cairn Crazy Cathy :D

Cathy and Piper

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Gosh, Brad, you scared me with that last post. I was expecting to see a

photo of you in your jammies! :D

Isn't that drawing great? I saw the post earlier today and I do plan to purchase a nightshirt. I also want to get the fleece jackets and hats for my husband and I.

We'll be styling at Montgomery!


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