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meet my girls.....


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I'm new here, thank you to shady lady's mom for telling me about this place :)

Let me tell you a little about the girls:

Tabitha is my oldest Cairn she just turned 6 in May. She's a really good girl, but she has her bad times too. She's always been really healthy, but she does tend to lick her feet on a daily basis. She is my power chewer. She can have any greenie or rawhide chew eaten in a matter of minutes. She also kills all stuffed animals and she is obsessed with the tennis ball.

Teona is my newest girl. She's almost 8 months old now and she is my devil child.

I guess I had forgotten how hard is was raising a baby cairn...... LOL

She's still working on the potty thing. She still goes #1 in her crate during the day and sometimes at night. She's also my POOP eater and nothing has worked. If she poops in the house, she eats it. If I don't pickup Tabitha's poop outside, she eats it.........YUCK

The girls get along pretty good. Tabitha really enjoys having someone home with her during the day because she has some seperation anxiety issues. The girls stay in their own crate during the day. They are both really good about going into the crate. I just have to show them a cookie and they both go inside a wait for their treats. I'm just starting to take the girls on daily walks. Tabitha has always been horrible at pulling so I bought a halter that stop it. I also bought the leash that keep them both close together while walking. That thing is awesome. Ok, enough talking.... here's some pictures.

Tabitha's closeup


Teona the first week she was home (playing with Tabitha)


Teona with "monkey" days before Tabitha unstuffed it...LOL


Teona's first car trip


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back from first trip to the groomer


Tabitha's such a good girl for the groomer


Let's play ball


Teona, "bring the ball back...!"


Teona after being spayed, 2 baby teeth pulled and rear dew claws removed.

Poor baby :(


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What a beautiful Cairn family you have...and wonderful pics too.

The housetraining seems to be an ongoing chore for alot of us here....last night Elliott pooped in the den not 10' from where I was sitting and decided to eat it hoping I wouldn't see the evidence. Don't they know we have noses? :lol:

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I am SOOOOOOOOO in love!!! :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

Welcome to our home and thank you so much for sharing your little girls with us. I absolutely adore the picture of them in the car with big sis' leg over the baby.

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thank you for the welcome.

:( My husband just came in here telling me Teona just wet the floor.......... We were just out less than 30 minutes ago and she went potty for me. Oh well.......

Now the girls are crying at the puppy gate because hubby went outside. I guess I need to go make sure Teona isn't eating the baseboards again.....LOL

Everyday seems to be a challenge.. :whistle:

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Hello and welcome! We can't wait to hear your stories and see more wonderful pics


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Welcome to CairnTalk!

Your two are adorable!!

Can't wait to see and hear more about them both!!


Cathy and Piper

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Welcome, very cute photos. I have two Cairns, Brody 17 months and Mia, 8 months (I'm actually to tired to figure out how old they are!). Your puppys are very cute. Even though it has not been long since we went through the training thing with Brody, I think we forgot how hard it was too! It sounds like we are all taking steps backwards in potty training. Mia had a #1 accident the other day right on the rug and two poop accidents in as many days in her exercise pen when left during the day (even though she pooped before we left and DH was home fairly early)!

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Welcome to the great Cairn Talk forum! I love your pictures! Tabitha and Teona are both adorable! Teona reminds me a little of my youngest one, Hannah. I'm the proud cairn mom of three girls, Kiara (4), Abbey (1 1/2) and Hannah (1).

Look forward to seeing more pictures and posts from you.


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Welcome Teona and Tabitha. You guys are precious!!! Teona looks like my Skeeter except that he is a little boy. Wonderful pics. I'm in love with the one in which Teona was holding the ball in her mouth.

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Welcome Teona and Tabitha.  You guys are precious!!!  Teona looks like my Skeeter except that he is a little boy.  Wonderful pics.  I'm in love with the one in which Teona was holding the ball in her mouth.


that's my favorite too.

I'm really hoping Teona will stay dark. I wanted to have 2 Cairns diferent colors, one dark one light. She has already gotten much lighter.

Here's how she looked just a few weeks old


here's another cute picture of her sleeping when she was small


nose down on the prowl, looking for critters


Tabitha's 5th b-day (back when she was an olny child)


Tabitha at halloween


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I love the hats! I wish Brody and Mia would wear hats. Brody loves his coats, but we had no luck with hats!

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Guest mrskti

Welcome to the board....very cute pics....I know what you mean about posting pics all day long!!! I know I drive my family nuts with puppy talk, but hey, i love my girls!!!

Again, welcome.


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Beautiful little girls!!!!!!!! I have two girls too...Scout is 3 years old and Finch is 16 months old.

Welcome to Cairn Talk!

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Welcom to Cairn Talk! I am sure you will find this borad as wonderful and helpful as I have!

You have beautiful babies! All the puppy pics make me want a dark puppy! :wub:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Those pictures make me want another one. I can't believe I'm saying that after the 8-months I have had housetraining Tink. I thought I was going to lose it a few times :mad: . As a matter of fact, I did lose it one day and since then she has been fantastic. Maybe that was what she was waiting for :thumbsup: . Anyway, one of these days she is getting a brother or sister.



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Your girls are absolutely beautiful!!! I love the pictures!!! We have 7 month old Abby who we have tons of pictures of but I have yet to be able to post one!!! I would love to get a sister or a brother for her, but we are going to wait a while for that!!! I can't wait to see more pictures of your babies and hear of their adventures!!!!


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What beautiful photos! Also the mother-daughter picture! Tabitha looks like a great big sister. I want another one, too!


Anna and Alfie

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Welcome to Cairn Talk! Your girls are precious! I am the mom of a 5month old girl, Gracie, and a 4 1/2 month old boy, Spike. They are a handful but I wouldn't trade them for anything! I am going to post some pictures when I figure out how to do it. :P Linda

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