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The most disgusting, foul smelling stuff


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This morning was the 3rd time this week Elliott had come in from his first "business" trip of the day with this dark, sticky, musky smelling, tar-like, grotesque stuff on his back and the side of his face that he rolled in. And he even got Madison in on the activities as she came up on the deck looking and smelling almost as bad as he did. :sick: I was not happy with either of them!! Thank God it was hot out so I was able to bathe them outside.

I went and took inventory of our yard and sure enough there was a small patch of smeared "stuff" that I have yet to identify...squirrel dung, chipmunk poop...? Our yard is fenced in but a small critter can easily squirm under the boards or a larger animal could jump the 5' fence. A cat would probably try and bury it, no? My Cairns have always been fortunate to have alot of freedom in the yard whether it's to destroy the garden plants or hang out on the stone wall......well, they are now grounded!!!

This afternoon I took a trip to Home Depot and bought some nice green wire fencing to corner off a section of my yard just for them. I even designed a gate. I put all their toys in it, agility stuff, tunnel, swimming pool and there's even a dog house in that part of the yard that was for show more than use. (hubby didn't fit in it :lol: ) I don't care if they dig up every single blade of grass or every Hosta plant but from now on that area will be cased out every morning before they are set free. And it will also be a great place for them to play when I can't be out watching them.

They will be earning their freedom.

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Helliott was at it again, huh? My buddy!!!! With that heat I can only imagine how bad that must have been.

You'll have to take a picture of your handy work. I'd love to see what you did.

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That sounds like a perfect arrangement!

Scout loves to roll in c&*)...really....c*)*! Our neighbor had some gross stuff behind her house and she was up to her ribs in this stuff..yuck! One week we had to give her a bath 3 times! The neighbor finally took care of it. One day I was washing her outside and our water went out in the middle of the bath! Some mainbreak..ugh! I had to carry her over to the neighbors house and she helped pour some water on Scout using her pool water...lol!

Ooops...got off topic...yes, post some pics...it might be something we can do!

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I wish your Elliott could meet my Gracie. They could really create havoc together! Grace can find a dead worm or anything smelly in our backyard before I have any idea it exists and then she rolls in it like crazy! She is the one who seems to get the most baths. I can only imagine what mischief she will be into when she is older and even smarter! Good luck with your new playyard idea! I wonder what he will think of to do in his new quarters? :devil:


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You all make me feel so good that Rufus only has a barking and running away problem. I am so thankful he never eats poop or rolls in anything gross. Good luck with the fence. I hope that works for you.


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From your description, my bet would be on possum poop.

Last summer, while we were having weekly possum killing sprees, Piper came in smelling AWFUL! When I checked him, it was dark, gooey, slimey lookin' stuff on his side and head. :sick:

Needless to say, he went right in the bath. Hubby went out and hosed down the area to prevent him from rolling in it again.


P.S. I am beginning to think that Piper and Helliot were cut from the same mold!

Cathy and Piper

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Don't look too closely at the posts (crooked and uneven) but it does contain them and so far they seem to enjoy their own space.

I now feel the need to decorate it....dog-safe vines on fence, maybe some hostas around the base and I must figure out how to replace the dirt/mud patches with something more suitable for little paws.



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Yuck! I guess its the old instinct that predators have to make themselves smell like their prey, so they can sneak up on it....huh....Once I took my pristine white fresh groomed Westie to a horse show and turned her loose near the horse trailer because she was good about sticking around. WELL, the next thing I know, she is over by a port-o-potty and rolling with delight in....gasp....human poo! Auuugghhh!

Lucky we had brought a motorhome with an outside shower attachment and had rubber gloves on hand. YYYck!

My cairn angels only have a tiny condo patio yard and there are no varmints pooping in there.....so far...good luck with the new controls

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I'm bumping this because the play area looks great and I didn't see it earlier! :offtopic: The yard looks fabulous. Pre-Cairns we hd no fence and no landscaping due to hungry deer. However, I bought my first three hostas this year, I'm going to add more if I can get my sister-in-law to help me with placement.

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