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Speaking of the heat....again


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Piper had just gotten home from a walk in the heat. This is the "normal" plop after a looooong drink of water.




Cathy and Piper

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Cute picture!!!!!!!! I love the "flop" look!

Scout likes to sit ON TOP of the floor vent when she comes in from a walk!

It's sooooo hot today (high 100) so no walks today. :(

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Our hot weather lasts so darn long that I need to acclimate the pups to it a little bit so we can take some half decent walks. Usually if I am at home during the day they go out for about five minutes, then come back and lie down on the nice cool tile floor. That is their PREFERRED place right now.

Last night it was about 103 close to dusk, and we marched around our long block which has a little park (grass!) in it. Pepper the Cairn, my long-distance walker, could probably go further but Henry the Westie just can't. Nor can mom. :D


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:D @ Joanne!!

I just get the biggest laugh out of the position of his back legs. My female is too 'ladylike' and has never done that.


Cathy and Piper

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Our Allie "flops" on the floor exactly like that! We call it her "frog" position.

And it has been too hot. We walk in all but the coldest winter days here for up to 3-4 miles (til it gets below zero). But at the end of last week it was already in the 80s by sunrise, and quite humid. We cut back to just a mile, and even that left both dog and dog walker too, too hot.

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Scout's been funny with this heat! She will run downstairs...jump on the sofa, and immediately turn over on her back...it's soooo funny to see..and she does it soooo fast! It's almost like she has to get in this position as fast as she can! It's cooler in the basement, so I'm sure that is why she does this.

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Savannah does the "Piper flop" as well. As soon as we get home from walking, she plops on the floor just like this! I will try and get a pic to post!

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Tink does that too, but then she is wired and runs around the house with her tongue hanging to the floor. It takes her awhile to wind down after those long hot walks. My dh takes her for walks morning and night. I fell down a flight of stairs, hurt my foot and can't walk with them right now. He tells me she has become a squirrel hunter and they spend most of their time looking up into the trees.



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