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My saga has ended!


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:D Finally, after several attempts, I have finally mastered the art of putting a thumbprint or whatever they are called into posts!!! I sit here doing the happy dance.......

This is a picture of a wannabee dog.


After her parents saw it, we didn't get to babysit for awhile....there's a cure for everything!

pat, the happy picture poster :P

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Congratulations! I can relate to your frustration! I made several attempts to post my first picture last night and was unsuccessful. I finally setup a page on photobucket.com and was able to post my picture, but it came into the post fuzzy.

Would you mind sharing what you did?

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Brad, I'm not sure what size kennel she would fit in! I know which I have, but I am too lazy to go look and see what the number is!


It seems I have Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9 on my computer (yes, I bought the program and installed in myself a year ago! :shy: ) I brought up the picture I wanted to resize in that program, clicked on file, clicked on save a copy for and then chose save for email or web and then chose medium web view. Then it saves itself into a file under my pictures that is called email or web. I went down below this box I am typing in now and clicked the browse button, went and found that picture, clicked on it, then clicked the button below that says add this attachment. Then you click the button on the far right that says add into post, and VIOLA! you get this......


This is Cooper when I caught him up in the chair one day when I came back into the living room. It was then I found out he hopped up on the furniture!

pat, still doing the happy picture posting dance!

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Thanks for the info, Pat. I will check my PC tonight for that software. The photos I was trying to upload were too large and I was receiving errors. I tried Photo Editor but this forum doesn't accept the file type it creates. I hope to be dancing with you soon!

Cooper is just a darling!

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