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Cute "TOTO" items for the cairn lover


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I found this website and thought my fellow cairn lovers might want to see it.

Wizard of Oz is a classic around here being both Kiara and now Hannah remind us of Toto.

These first two items I was able to find at a Hallmark store for the same price, just no shipping cost.






I ordered this for my dd:


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Wouldn't that frame be just adorable with a pic of your Cairn??

I am tempted......thanks for the links!!


Cathy and Piper

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I just got finished paying MOST of my mastercard bill. I cannot believe how much dog stuff I buy.

They need to get jobs and their own credit cards instead of lounging around all day! :lol:


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Keep the Cairn items coming.....I love looking at them!!! I, especially, love the t-shirt...too bad I'm not a youth size! LOL!

I've been meaning to take Scout and Finch's pictures and have them put on mugs and t-hirts, but haven't found the time yet.

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ooh, that T-shirt does come in adult sizes! Just go to the home page, look under Wizard of Oz, and then under T-shirts. I ordered one for my DDs too.

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I bought a flag from ebay of a cairn terrier. It's proudly hanging in my front yard...........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Guest rottndobie
I found this website and thought my fellow cairn lovers might want to see it.

Wizard of Oz is a classic around here being both Kiara and now Hannah remind us of Toto. 


Ahhh, you forgot my Shadow. Everyone that sees him immediately says "Toto"...LOL.

Speaking of neat Cairn things, I just ordered a beautiful painted suncatcher for my vehicle from e-bay.. E-Bay Suncatcher


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