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Day at the Baseball field


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I am so proud of Rufus. We decided to take him to the baseball field to expose him to more people outside of our yard. Our daughter had her final Tball game, and we knew it would only last about an hour. This was our first full attempt at taking him out other than the daily walks around the neighborhood.

I was actually shocked at how good he was. I was expecting the worst based on his uncontrollable barking at home, but he was so well behaved. He did have one minor barking spurt, but he was not the instigator. He was only the sing along to a beagal that was there.

He was so friendly to everyone who wanted to pet him. You all know how incredibly adorable our Cairns are. Everyone wants to see them.

The barking at home is getting better though. When he is barking at everything outside, he will usually come inside when I call him if I say "treat". We've been bringing him in until he calms down. For some reason he absolutely hates lawn mowers and cats. If he sees either one, he goes into fits of inconsolable barking.

Everyone who suggested giving him more time to adjust, thank you so much. I hate to think that we were on the verge of giving him up. I can see that he needed more adjustment time. We are still looking for a trainer, and hopefully that will help as well.

I just love getting on here to learn more about Rufus through your experiences. Thanks for all the stories. I love all the pics too. I will try to get some pics so you can see Rufus sometime soon. Shelly

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I'm glad to hear that Rufus is doing better with the barking! My little ones does a fair share of barking, but we are still working on it too.

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Wasn't that a pleasant surprise? You'll find out more adorable things later on, for sure! :thumbsup: It's also a big relief to know that you can bring him with you when you can.

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Nuts! I thought we were gonna see pictures of Rufus playing baseball with a little cap and everything. ;)

Seriously, I'm glad to hear he's doing so much better. Patience is truly the key with these little ones.

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