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Bottle Crazy


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I have discovered the cheapest toy ever for my pup - empty plastic water bottles! My pup goes crazy for them, he loves loves loves them even more than his ducky!! The only danger is that when it gets very flat, pieces of the bottle start breaking off. It usually takes about 2 minutes for the bottle to be flattened. Why couldn't they make a long lasting toy using the bottle concept? :confused:

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I guess puppies are a lot like kids. When my boys were little they had as much fun with a big cardboard box as with any of their "real" toys! Our two Cairn puppies absolutely love to play with an empty soda bottle. They bark, bounce around it, and finally get brave enough to hit it with their feet . :lol:

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Cooper also loves the plastic bottles! Anywhere from the smaller pop size, to the two liter size, to the large juice ones you get at Costco (that I think are a gallon!). I think it is because they skitter around the floor so well! The bigger juice ones are a heavier plastic and they last almost for ever...the one out presently he has had for over three months.

When I was at the lake on vacation a few months back, I had put the dogs out on the enclosed deck hoping to sleep for another hour. When I got up, there sat Cooper up on the bench where my husband had put an entire case of bottled water. He had taken the caps off of everyone of them except the one that fell over! Was he ever proud of himself! Didn't drink any, didn't spill a drop, just took the lids off!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Oh yeah! They wont chew their $10 toys but love the bottles! Just be sure to take off that little plastic ring around the neck of the bottle. Connor got one of those off and had it in little pieces. I take of the tops, the paper label and that ring. They love it! I also swipe a bit of peanut butter inside the neck if I need them real busy for a while.

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But if you take the tops off don't they flatten in a matter of seconds? I have tried the smaller sturdier yogurt drink bottles, but alas no interest. May need to try to large juice bottles since the bottled water ones he loves are destroyed in a matter of seconds. Is my pup the only one who likes to destroy/take apart his toys and bottles :confused::confused: ???

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:lol: I saw the topic of this post and had to laugh! I knew exactly what it was about. Scruffy could care less about empty plastic bottles, but Tucker goes nuts for them! I've even caught him stealing full soda bottles from the coffee table when he thought no one was looking! :nono:


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My youngest Cairn loves plastic margerine tubs....empty ones, that is!

When we got him as a pup, I used them for water bowls out on the back deck. Well, he thought it was fun to push them around and spill all the water out. Then, grab the tub and run like the wind!!

He still enjoys them but I have to watch much closer as it takes only a matter of minutes before they are shredded and need to be taken away.

Cheapest toy we have found ths far :)!


Cathy and Piper

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I think our two were born with the drive to "destroy all toys", because that's what they seem to be doing. We have several toys that have stood the test of time (for reasons we are not familiar with!) and others that have lasted about 2 min. The bottle idea is a great one...and cheap!

One toy that my two seems to enjoy, especially Finch, is the bubble blower. Target had it on sale, and I felt silly buying it, but they LOVE it!!!!!!!!! It's easy to use and no mess..although we do use it outdoors!

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Savannah plays with empty bottles and empty plastic bowls too. We usually flatten them so that she can get her mouth around them and they last for several weeks before they have to be replaced.

Shoe- I thought about getting some bubbles to play with Savannah. I think she would have a blast trying to catch them!! Would love to see a pic of your two playing with them!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

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Water bottles, hmmm, we'll give one to Sherman tonight. I bet he'll LOVE it.

I'm a kid mom too so we've done the bubble thing already, definately fun. Target/Walmart have the battery-operated blowers and they make it much more fun since there are SO many bubbles.

Another fun, but more expensive bubble item is the Gymboree Bubble "juice" and blower. Their soap makes very long-lasting bubbles that often stay once they hit the ground -- VERY fun for the dogs (and kids) to pop that way too.

~ t

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Both my guys love playing with plastic water bottles. They will bat them around to each other and it is so fun to watch. Normally we give them the small water bottles but over the weekend we had an empty two leter Pepsi bottle that was washed out and gave them. They both looked at it for a few seconds as if to say "We didn't know they got this big!" and then the games began! They are such a hoot.


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