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Traveling with Cairns


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Hi Everyone!

We had a wonderful time in Maine and the dogs really enjoyed the trip.

They were fine in the hotel and never made a sound. They quickly learned where they had to go to do their business and by the second day they thought they owned the place!

Kennebunkport is beautiful and we took nice walks on the beach early in the morning. Dogs are allowed before 8am and after 6pm. We met lots of Cairn owners and two asked me when these dogs calm down! Never!

We went to Cape Elizabeth to see the Portland Head Lighthouse - gorgeous spot!

Ellie, I was thinking of you! We ate at the Lobster Shack and the dogs were the center of attention. One older woman came over to us, she recently lost her Cairn. She kept petting Eric, our older Cairn and you could tell she was thinking of the one she lost. Then she looked at Emma and said "Oh, you must be full of it!" Yes, she got that right!

Anna, I had some fried clams for you, they were yummy! Allisson's in Kennebunkport is a great place and they put up take out meals for us. She even threw in some extra fries for the dogs! It was such a great trip that we plan to go back in the fall.

So I encourage all of you to travel with your Cairns. It was nice having them with us. Yes, we had to tailor our activities because of them but it was worth it. Nothing like watching the sunset on the beach, eating take out food with your beloved Cairns (and DH too!).

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That is good to hear....we are taking Angus to Rehoboth Beach with us at the end of July.

I've heard of the Lobster Shack...my parents loved it!


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We are taking the pups camping in the Redwoods above San Francisco. Lessee, got x-pens, crates, toys, the vittles vault....yup the pick-up will be full! Cant wait to see what they think of the ocean and creeks.

Got pictures?

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Here are Eric and Emma on Father's Day morning lounging in bed with their Daddy at the hotel. Eric is the Wheaton on the left. He's 13. Emma is the dark Cairn. She's 2.

Pics are too large- will try again! Sorry!!

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I am so glad you had a nice trip. Maine is gorgeous!

It sounds like you guys had a great time. I am so

jealous, it has been awhile since I have been back.

Grilly really misses his daily walks on the beaches.

Did your guys roll around in stinky stuff on the beach?

Grilly also liked to jump the waves (the little ones that

is) :P

thanks for thinking of me when you were in Cape, and

I am glad you enjoyed the LS.


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Ellie, this is for you as thanks for all the info you gave me on this area.

For those not familiar with Maine, this is the Portland Head Lighthouse. It was commissioned by George Washington. The lighthouse is in a state park which doesn't have any trash cans! I guess they expect everyone to take their stuff with them. Ok, nice idea, but this was the spot both dogs decided to poop! I spent the afternoon walking around carrying two bags full! :-)

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post-920-1119732361_thumb.jpgWe went to Maine last year, it was great. Here is a picture of Brody in Camden State Park.

Sorry for the poor quality, I don't have the hang of the attachments.

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Nice photo of Brody! My attachments came in fuzzy too. Guess I need more practice.

My two are not interested in the water or waves. They don't want to get their feet wet. Woozies! First time we took Emma to the beach she stopped in her tracks when her feet hit the sand! Terra Firma!

For those of you with upcoming trips, I had found several websites with helpful hints for traveling with your pet. Google "traveling with your dog" and several sites will come up. Here are a few things I found most helpful. Most of this is "just in case" stuff but better to be safe than sorry. Bring an extra leash and collar (in case one breaks), have ID tags made for your dog with your hotel or campground phone # (I added my cell# with area code to our tags), first aid kit, flashlight for night walks, photos of your dog to help authorities identify your pet if you do get separated, bring your vaccination certificates (some hotels require them and you will need them if your dog is found loose). I brought lots of paper towels, Spot Shot, Nature's Miracle and plenty of poop bags. Traveling by car is easy since you can just leave this stuff in the car until you need it. I brought bottled water to avoid any stomach upset from a different water supply.

Happy travels!

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Hi Cairns2! Great suggestions, especially the ID tags with a local or cell phone number. I'm definitely going to do that for my next trip.

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Anna, I had some fried clams for you, they were yummy!

YUMMYYYYY!!!!! Weren't they the BEST? I'm sooo jealous.....

You must be so proud of your doggies!!!

We postponed our Block Island trip to a later date because it was raining that weekend we were supposed to go. :( We take Alfie to short trips with us, the latest one was Manhattan - he was so well behaved! The only thing about the city is a lot of dog owners don't pick up after their dogs. I felt like I was doing a race through barriers, trying to avoid dog ka-pooey (or smudges of them...yuk) all over the sidewalks. :thumbsdown:

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I am disappointed in New Yorkers! I would expect the city to have strict pooper scooper laws. Cleaning up after our pets is the responsible thing to do. It's not only messy but who knows what illnesses could be transferred to our dogs if they sniff it.

Yes, Anna, I am very proud of my two, especially Eric. He usually is not good around other dogs but he was very friendly on this trip. They became buddies with a bullmastiff staying at our hotel. She was a big sweetie!

Sorry your trip to BI was postponed. I hope you can get out there this summer or fall. After all we ate last week, I am sitting here at work waiting for the ice cream truck to come by at 2pm! Only wish my dogs were here to share it. I miss them so much today!

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There are neighborhoods in NYC that do abide by the pooper scooper laws but it looks like if they can get away with it, they won't pick up. In my sis-in-law's apartment building, there is a divide between pet owners and non-pet owners. The pet owners are getting the blame for ruining their playground and the garden, so the pets are not allowed there anymore. They did, however, build a dog run for the pets. But again, when we went to the dog run, it was pretty filthy and there were actually no dogs in there (looks like they used it as their toilet instead). I also noticed some people walking AWAY from Alfie (like he had a contagious disease), very different from the people in the suburbs of NY where they would come up and say hi. I used to live in NYC but I didn't have a pet, so I'm just noticing these things now.

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