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Wild agression!

Guest mrskti

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Guest mrskti

We just gave the girls each a pedigree chewy with goop in the middle, and they went nuts over them, but Ellie went almost vicious!!! When dori or either of us got close, she started to growl like crazy. I grabbed her from the back on her neck, holding her down and took it away. While I was doing that, Dori started barking at her, then ellie started to turn on her.

needless to say the 'treats' are in the trash!!! I've dug a multitude of stuff from their mouths that they werent' suppose to have, but no responses like this. what do they have in these things??? Heroin!?!?! :P

Anyone have this problem before???

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The only problem I had w/those is they gave Cooper a putrid shade of green liquid poop....the rest went in the trash!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I've had problems with my crew as far as bully sticks and one time with the kongs.

I now separate them whenever they are getting something they consider sacred!

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Wow, good move grabbing the scruff of the neck! You're in charge! My female puppy did go berserk when a party guest gave her carrot with veggie dip! I mean, it was like puppy on crack and she would not leave the guest alone! Put her outside and she hurled herself at the glass door! For veggie dip! Sheesh!

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We haven't had any problems other than an occasional growl over "valuable" items, but we do give them treats in different parts of the room. I think if you make sure they are in their own crates, or in different rooms, behind closed doors, you might be ok.

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Guest mrskti

Puppy on crack :w00t: That's exactly what I'm talkin about!!! I will stear clear of those kinds of treats, i dont want that kind of behavior. I have an autistic grandson, so he doesnt' always "get it" or remember what I've told him. So it's sissy treats from now on!!! LOL

Here's a pic of Mitchel with Dori out by the pool...Dori isn't as keen on the pool as Ellie is.


Here's my grandaugher, Emily...with Ellie in the pool.....(still working on clearing the darn thing up) Waters cold so she put her wetsuit on!!! Smart kid! She was trying to get ellie to sit on the boogey board!


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Tucker and Scruffy got into a regular brawl the one time I made the mistake and gave them Bully Sticks. They were in the trash five minutes after I gave them to them. Never again! So far, the chicken flavored Nylabones seem to be an acceptable chew that they won't fight over (although they do like to steal them from eachother!) :P



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Guest mrskti

There ya go, that's what I'm talking about!! Ellie is the bully here, Dori just backs off. And I will not stand for it. I bought them so new plain jane chewies today and some liver treats. They just stold my little neck pillow in my recliner and are killing it at the moment!! What devils.

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