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Today is bring your dog to work day


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Rebel and Hamm got to come to work today. Today we have my dogs, a doberman, an aussie, two daschunds and that is all I have seen there might be more.


My office has gone to the dogs!



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Love those pics!!

Especially the last one of Rebel in the chair!

Looks like he is saying, "You're fired!!"!!


Cathy and Piper

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Guest Darcy's Mom

If you don't mind me asking, where do you work that they are so generous as to let everyone bring their dogs to work? Just a general answer as in bank, insurance office, etc., you don't need to be specific. I wasn't aware it was bring your dog to work day but I don't think I could get away with that where I work. You must be in doggy heaven today. Lucky you.

Also, love the pics of Rebe and Hamm. They are so precious.

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Those "I am the boss of you" pictures are so cute! They must be having fun with the other dogs!

I wish we could do that...animals are not allowed at all in our workplace.

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Sob. I wish... my location is not dog-friendly - they would not even approve a guide dog-in-training. They did approve an actual service dog once - a seizure dog! - but I don't think they had any choice about that.

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Everyday is Bring Your Dog To Work Day at my house! I am fortunate to work at home, so right now my 2 are snoozing on the floor of my office. (It's very, very messy, or I would take a picture and post it!) Yesterday one of them (don't know which one, but I have my suspicions) chewed on a cord and shut me down for a little while. It is sometimes very hard to work with 2 Cairns in the room!

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I work at one of the large jails in the Metro Area. I am lucky because our Sheriff is a wonderful person who loves animals. He quite often rescues dogs and cats and brings them here looking for someone to give them a home. He has two parrots in the sitting area in front of his office. If having pets here does not interfere with work then it's no problem. Mine don't bark inside so I can answer the phones and work on stats etc. Most of the day they sleep and you don't know they are here unless you see the gate.

I have people ask when are you going to bring them back. I think they are good for people, helping them relax. Where else can you go in an office and know by the tail wagging that they are really glad to see you? All you have to do is pet them to make them happy.



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Hi Liz,

I think its great that you have such a great boss who would allow a "bring your animals to work day". My company allows employees to bring their kids to work one day a year but not their pets. Oh, the unfairness of it all! :confused:


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Aw, I love those pictures, and especially the one in the chair!!!!!!! What a hoot!

I didn't know this was "bring your dog to work day"! Shoot!

I'm home right now dealing with a serious illness, but I bring my dogs to work all the time. I work in a home with 3 mentally handicapped women who love dogs so I try to bring them in as much as possible. Several of my staff bring their dogs in once in awhile too...it's fun!

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Donald Trump has nothing on Rebel! Plus Rebel has a better haircut :D

I think its great that you can take your pups into work. Where I work part-time the owner always bring in his big dog and she's a real hit. The customers love her and she helps pass the time.

On the subject of allowing dogs in more places, I read an article not too long ago about some colleges using dogs for therapy with homesick students. I was surprised to see that my alma mater actually has "Dog Day" (too bad I missed out on it by a year). Here's a link to that article: Dog Days

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Great pics! I love that in the background

you can see a picture of Rebel and Hamm!

I am a stay home mom for Grilly so everyday

is take your dog to work!


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:lol: I love the idea although my boss might have other thoughts....I drive a 77 passenger school bus. Can you imagine what all those elementary kids would do with my 3 Cairns? :shock:


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Cute pictures! I actually did bring my dog Angus into work about a month ago. I work with special needs kids and May was pet month. I got some cute pictures, but can't post them b/c the kids are in them. He had a blast and the kids loved him (I think the staff loved him even more!)


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What adorable pictures! They look like they are completely at ease in your office! I can't bring in my two where I work, but I use them as topics for a lot of story starters or when I am modeling some kind of writing with my first grade students. The kids love to hear about Gracie and Spike and then they want to tell me all about their pets too! I can't wait to show my upcoming class some pictures of my furry babies when the new school year starts!


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I drive a 77 passenger school bus.

That explains why you have the patience for three cairns!!!! It must be a breeze after all those kids!!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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