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My little huntress


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Over the past weekend our pup Saidi caught 3 moles, the first live animals she has ever gotten. She's only 6 months old so I'm glad this is beginning with the smaller variety found around our neighborhood :D Last evening our neighbor westie caught one and I think it really made Saidi jealous. She kept pacing the fence glaring at Webster. Finally after doing this for half an hour she went to work sniffing the yard. I swear it looked like she was dividing the entire back yard into a grid and searching every square inch! After about another 30 minutes I hear a frantic squeak :shock: I look out into the yard to see Saidi leaping into the air and coming down with her front paws first, then taking a bite at the ground. She did this over and over, occasionally getting a pleasing squeak from the poor mole. When it was finally over she took the victim over to the fence and proudly showed it to Webster. I swear the look on her face said "I can do it too" :lol:

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Saidi may enjoy earthdog tests. Sometimes young dogs don't 'turn on' to quarry until they get older, but it sounds like she has already. Natural hunters present some challenges in a test environment, but they typically have a blast regardless, and that's what counts.

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Mila hasn't gotten the hang of hunting and killing yet, thank goodness, however, down at our "farm" we visit on the weekends the neighbors have a Jack Russell. Well, they were cleaning out their barn and found rats, you should have seen that JRT run and kill those rats, got them all (about 4-5) in less than 3 minutes! Now that is one fast dog!

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Yes, Jack Russels are really fast. We have a JRT/Scottie mix and she outruns Darcy by a mile. She will run the entire perimeter of our back yard over and over as if she is trying to run off all that excess energy. Darcy will make one or two loops and then she heads for the deck as if to say "Have at it Molly, I'm pooped." Together, they have managed to corner a baby rabbit. Thankfully, I heard them barking and knew it was a "Hey, lookwhat we've got" type of bark. My husband and I went down to the shed and sure enough, the rabbit was behind some old boards that were leaning up against the wall and the dogs couldn't get to it. He held the dogs and I pulled the board back and off the rabbit ran. Well so much for their hunting abilities. But they may someday prove me wrong.

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