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Return of the possum?


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Well, I let Piper out for his last potty break and he was barking up a storm at the back fence!! Definitely the familiar 'possum bark' from last summer.

We have a drainage tube that runs along the backyard and something was in there. He was going nutso at the opening.

In the mean time, my neighbor came out her back door with her flashlight. I figured she was checking to see what I was doing out there at midnight. But, she said she heard a very loud 'screeching' sound.

Sooooo, anyone know if possums screech? Or, am I dealing with another night creature?



Cathy and Piper

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I have heard rabbits make a screeching noise but never a pussum most of the time they will hiss more like a cat but then again I haven't spent that much time around a possum either.

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We had a dear old Cairn who cornered a possum in our back yard one night when she was out for a potty break. When we came out to investigate the wild barking we found Molly almost nose to nose with a baby possum . He was hissing and trying to melt into the wall she had backed him into. It always amazes me how determined they can be with any vermin... :shock:

I just hope that Gracie and Spike don't encounter any possums or anything else that I would have to run out of our yard!

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Don't know if possums screech but I do know from first hand experience that a mother possum that is carrying her young around with her will attack if threatened and they can do some very serious damage physical damage if cornered. So please be careful. I have seen adult possums as large as a Cairn.


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Our Australian Shepherd took care of the last possum that dared to enter our yard. He was so proud, he brought it and dropped it at my feet. :sick: I'm glad he got it, being he's 95 lbs and not Kiara as a possum will bite. I don't ever recall anything but hissing from them. A screech could possibly be a serious cat fight or around here, a coyote.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Well, last night I sat out on the deck with my flashlight pointed it right at the back fence. It took about 45 minutes before "it" decided to get brave enough to come back out.

"It" is ANOTHER baby possum!! I am just sick thinking we might have another summer like last year (Piper managed to kill 8 babies over the course being June thru August).

It crawled back in the drainage hole before hubby could grab it. Wish us luck tonite.....

BIG sigh.......


Cathy and Piper

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Finch tried to catch one last night. Thank god she had the famous frisbee in her mouth.....she's not going to catch anything with that in! LOL!

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Shoe....so glad to see you posting :) .

Piper is 'on the hunt' even before the back door is open! I do believe he would drop a Porterhouse steak for another 'kill'!!

Hubby blocked off all the drain openings in our yard and our neighbor's (with their permission, of course) with chicken wire. Most everyone here has that black drainage tubing going from the sump output from the house out to the corner storm sewer. We have caught them running in those several times, so hopefully it will help 'steer' them to someone else's yard!!

We also set up a Hav-a-hart trap with an apple in it to entice them.

I sure hope we catch it before Piper!!


P.S. Caught my neighbor picking up a dead rabbit in her yard late this afternoon. Have to wonder if the screeching we heard was an owl attempting to get the rabbit??

Cathy and Piper

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