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I really need a digital camera!


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I really do need to get a digital camera so I can show off my little Allie! I'm more convinced than ever after last week, when she went to stay with Walter the Border Collie and Best Friend while we went to a conference "up north," as they say here in Minnesota.

Walt's mum let them both play in the really large fenced yard for three days, and she took them to the river for a swim twice (Allie stays on a long lead, though) and spent two days mostly gardening so she could be outside with them. She lets them bark at the people who walk by the fence (I'm a grouch, and won't), and she threw balls for them constantly, and had a couple dog-loving friends over who also played with them.

When we got Allie back on Friday evening, she flopped over on her side on the tile floor and didn't wake up for three hours. I called her name to put her outside before bedtime, and she opened her eye without even raising her head. And, on Saturday, she was a couch puppy for most of the day, nose on her paws and taking long, long naps.

This has been one of the few times she has slowed down enough for a cute photo, and here I am without a digital! I'm going out looking for one this weekend.

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I know what you mean about a tired puppy. We took Mila to our farm this weekend and let her run free. And free did she feel (as we keep her on a lead here at home). She just ran and ran and ran. I had to wake her up to go outside before I left for work this morning and believe me she didn't want to even get up. This evening she is still in slow motion. They are just too cute when all tuckered out!

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I highly recommend getting a digital camera. We snapped off about 400 pics on vacation last week and Ill be making a video DVD slide show out of the best ones this week. Mine is a 4.0 megapixel that I bought used off ebay for $160 shipped.

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I can't wait to see pictures....my camera is usually downstairs when I need it! I got a new one last October and it has a 10x zoom, which is helpful in taking pics of very active dogs! LOL!

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If there is a Wal Mart close to develope your snapshots they will post them on their site for free and you can go there to download. All you have to do when you send your film off is check a box on the mailer envelope. When they send your prints back you get a slip of paper with a login and password to your photos. I think they only leave the pictures there for a limited time or you can purchase space on their site to keep photos for as long as you want ot pay. We did that before we got our digital. It is a little cumbersome but it does work.

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We have a digital camera that I have been using for a year, but just last night learned how to download pictures to my computer (I'm slow :mad: !). Well, I successfully downloaded all the pictures, including the great ones of Tink when she was a baby (she is 11 months now). I then deleted them from the camera. When I went into the computer to look at them, they were gone :sick: . Yep - gone from the computer and the camera. They were there earlier because I reviewed them to be sure. I work on a computer all day at the office, so I'm not completely computer illiterate. Who knows where they are now? I was so mad. I have five pictures of her that made it through the whole ordeal. Guess I'll have to work on my technique. I'll get it eventually, but I'll never get those pictures back.



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I have so many pics of Maggie. :) Yet I still can't get them to post on here. :( I can post on Dogster. I wish I could figure out why. Maggie does some very amazing stunts that would be worth showing all. We all think our babies are best at all things and that is so all right.

I love to see all of your pics. That are awesome


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If you're having troubles posting pictures, post a note on Forum Support describing what you've tried so far, and what happened when you followed the steps in the 'how to post pics' topic. Between the bunch of us, we'll get you sorted (we love pics :-)

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I love my digital camera the only complaint I had was the delay. Recently my husband got me a new Olympus Camera and it is just like my old 35 mm. There is no delay, it's wonderful! I can change the lense out to use a telephoto (when I get one) I am still learning about the camera but I really like the quality of the pictures.

I use a software called IrFanView which is shareware to resize my pictures and save them in smaller files. That really helps my friends who don't have DSL because I don't send them big files to open.

Point and shoot cameras are great and the quality of digital cameras has really come a long way. I wish they had a camera like this when my sons were little so many years ago


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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