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changing the name


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Booger vs Booker.

Yep, a lot of people think I'm saying Booger, it might be me tennessee drawl.

Is it too late to change Booker's name to something else, or should I just keep the name and try to pronounce his name slower?



He who laughs last thinks slow.

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How old is Booker? If he is very young, it wouldn't be hard to change the name, Maybe you could give booker a middle name and phase out the origiNAL gradually

But if he is older and has become accustomed to being called Booker, and both of you don't care, forget what other people think.

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Belle has had at least 2 name changes, and she responds to the name we gave her. Don't know her original name, but Colonel Potter rescue named her "Astrid". We told her foster mom we were going to call her "Belle", so they started calling her "Astrid-Belle", which we continued for about 2 - 3 weeks (her collar and harness tags say "Astrid-Belle"). Now she responds to only Belle. By respond I mean she looks at me - she doesn't come when called yet. I love the name Booker, though, so keep it if you want to. Who cares if it sounds like Booger to some people- that's cute too.

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Gosh, these are just some of the names we call Elliott:



Naughty dog

Big bad boy

My man

And he'll usually respond to all of them :lol:

I would think if he's young enough you'd be able to change names with no problem. Sally's idea might work too. What new name were you thinking about?

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My husband and I were just discussing this yesterday. We both agree that changing names isn't a problem because to the dog, it is not a name, but it sounds like any other command that he will learn to respond to, especially with a familiar voice like its owner's. My daughter doesn't call Alfie by his name because she simply doesn't like the name, but he responds to her "come here, doggie!"

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Savannah responds to a bunch of differant names as well: Vanna, Vannie, Smurf

Murf, Sweet Baby, Precious, etc. I don't think that changing his name would be a problem but only do it if YOU want to. Don't change it if you like the name!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

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Kiara is called both "Kiara" and "KJ" and responds to both.

Abbey responds to "Abbey" and "Abigail".

Hannah responds to anything. :D

Years ago I was given a dachshund that someone found. He was about 1 yr old and I didn't know his previous name. I named him Capachino (cappuccino) to go w/ my two labs, Choc. Mousse & Swiss Mocha. I called him Chino for short. To make a long story less boring, my parents fell in love w/ Chino. I was going through some troubled times and felt Chino would do better w/ them. They didn't like his name and changed it to Cappy and he adjusted very well.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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When you adopt a dog at the pound, quite often they come nameless and learn what you name them quite quickly.....I think it has to do w/the tone you use anyway! Especially w/cairns!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I like "Booker"! Who else has a dog named that? Too cute! And who cares if somebody thinks its Booger! How funny is that anyway!

D Scott

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Ditto for Duffy and Mickey. They each have several names that we call them, Duffster, Dufflebag, Badness (Duffy), Mickster, Mickey Mouse, Mickey D, and they come to any of those names. Leave Booker's name as it is! It is a real great name and Booger is really cute too!


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You know, I got thinking back, and when Cooper was a wee pup, people thought his name was Pooper! I never thought of changing his name, and I don't think I would have. Those same people to this day still call him Pooper, but it doesn't matter, he won't come anyway!!! (Except to me and my husband...if you are anyone else, forget it unless you have treats!)


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Booker=Booger..... and...... Cooper=Pooper!!!

Too funny :)!


P.S. BTW......I like the names Booker and Cooper! I vote 'no' to changing.

Cathy and Piper

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I like the name Booker too....and booger.....lol!

Years ago, we adopted a dog from the pound. Her name was Dottie and we tried really hard to come up with a substitute name but we ended up keeping her name, Dottie. We mostly called her Boo Boo....for whatever reason and she always came no matter what we called her.

We had a hard time picking out Finch's name too and we told the breeder we were calling her Boo, so that's what they called her. A few weeks later we changed it to Finch...lol! I also call her Blubberbutt, and she responds each time (unless she is sitting in the middle of the yard with that dang frisbee in her mouth!).

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Oh no! We would never, ever change Cooper's name! Yesterday, we had the grandaughters over, aged almost two and just over four, and the two year old does her typical baby babble. She decided his name was Coo-Coo! And he even came to her!!!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Pat.......how cute :)!!

Reminds me of a cat we had years ago named Tobias. His name evolved thru our young kids to "Bobo", "Toby", "Beebo", "Teebo".


Cathy and Piper

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Yea I have to agree, Toto is 9 months old now and in the last month I have started calling him Buh-by (A derivative of the word baby) and lately he comes to it better than when I call him Toto. :P

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