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Update on Dog Attack


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Hi all,

First off, thanks so much for your kind thoughts for Bosco and I after our dog attack last week. Well this week has not brought much in the way of good news. The owner of the dog that bit Bosco and scratched my arms up have been reluctant to give me the rabies shot evidence, and now I know why. Apparently the dog last received its rabies shot (the 1-year type) in early 2003! The owners are 2 years late with getting the dog rabies shots. Now Bosco has his rabies shots current so I don't need to worry, right? :confused::confused::confused:

Now I don't know what I am supposed to do - the scratches on me were not that severe, and have all healed and scabbed over - and I washed them with hydrogen peroxide. Hope that is okay. :confused::confused:

Sigh, just very worried about this whole situation, and I am still very very traumatized about walking my pup in the neighborhood for fear of encountering another unleashed dog. :(

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Guest mrskti

Did you call Animal control about this? If not, I certainly would. Also i'd call your Dr and ask their opinion about the scratches, just to be safe. This type of thing worries me.

We had a HUGE choc. lab rush us while walking tonight, Dori even yelleped it scared her so much. The people laughed and said she didn't mean anything. I said the hair standing up on her back told me different. Some people are just stupid!!!!

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I would call Animal Control right away, and also your doctor. I'm sorry you are going through this, but it sounds like the owner of the other dog is not owning up to his/her responsiblities and you need to step up to the plate. Good luck and let us know how you are doing!

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I agree with what everyone else said and if you don't get anywhere with Animal Control, I would get the police involved. It's a sad situation because I know you don't want to cause any friction with your neighbors and being an animal lover, I'm sure you wouldn't want anything to happen to that awful, mean dog :whistle: BUT your first consideration is your health and that of Bosco.

I just can't believe how inconsiderate and careless some people can be. In our town we have to have our dogs licensed and that only comes with proof of the dogs rabies vaccine. It sounds like this beast is not licensed either.

Protect yourself at all costs....

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Milopup, I'm sure that you will be fine but I totally agree - it never hurts to call your doctor and ask. Better safe than sorry.

I also agree I would call Animal Control or whoever is your entity where you live. If for nothing else, that this is documented in their records.

Some people just shouldn't own pets! :twisted:

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I strongly agree with the advice that everyone else has given. I am sorry that this has happened to you and Bosco.


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