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Hi Everyone!!!

I've been gone for a while. I wanted to post my news and get some answers.

My baby girl Gidget is now a woman. She came into her first heat Monday night. It's been so long since I had a bitch in heat that I can't remember how long it lasts. She looks so cute sporting her pampers around the house.

She's still very energetic. She laid around a little last night, but other than that she's doing great. She's 7 mos. old now!!! :shock: It's so hard to believe. Seems like yesterday she was just a tiny little baby.

She probably weighs between 7 & 8 lbs now. I'm slowly changing her diet over from Canidae to Nutro. She simply does not like Canidae. She only eats it when she's starving. I come home at lunch to her bowl of food covered with her blanket in the crate. :lol: I get the message!!!!!

Still the little fireball she's always been. Can't believe her BIG Brother (German Shepherd) hasn't bothered her one bit since she came into heat. Just the normal chases in the yard to play with her.

Any tips or advise are welcome.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Guest Darcy's Mom

Welcome back Gidget and Gidget's mom. You say you have a male German Shephard that is around Gidget? Better be careful, even size won't matter to the German Shephard. I'll bet Gidget is a doll, so please post some pics.

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Guest rottndobie
Hi Everyone!!!

I've been gone for a while.  I wanted to post my news and get some answers.

My baby girl Gidget is now a woman.  She came into her first heat Monday night.  It's been so long since I had a bitch in heat that I can't remember how long it lasts.  She looks so cute sporting her pampers around the house.


Heat cycles usually last for 3 weeks - start to finish. Prime breeding time usually ranges from the 9 day thru about the 12. Then you have another week of coming down from the cycle.

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Don't you hate when these little ones grow up???? I too would love to see a picture of her.

I know absolutely nothing about dogs in heat and all that stuff. Bad enough I've had to deal with it myself for 40 years! :( I'm sure you'll get all the advice here, though, that you'll need.

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I come home at lunch to her bowl of food covered with her blanket in the crate.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :lol: That's great! I'm glad Gidget is doing well.

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Blanket over bowl...they are just too cute and subtle in their ways of communicating.

Are you planning on breeding her in the future? I have to echo the warning of keeping her "safe" around the shephard or any other male who may find her irresistable.

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Yes, I do plan on breeding her in the future, but only one litter I think.

The German Shepherd acts as if nothing is going on. The only thing I notice him doing sometimes is smelling where she has just urinated. I always go out with them and watch over them while they're out in the back yard.

Guess I'm very lucky in this aspect. I know that he could be like some other "fixed" males who don't have a clue they've been fixed. He's a real sweetie.

I'll post some new pics of her soon.....got to get one of her with her pamper on. :lol: too funny and cute for words.

See you soon.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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I saw the word "advice," and here I am! If Gidget just came into heat, it doesn't mean that she is going to attract all males immediately. It's not until the middle of her heat cycle that she is fertile and that males with start getting all sleazy with her.

BTW, you do not mention whether your Shepherd is neutered or not. If he is intact, I would separate them ASAP. Without tests, who knows when she will ovulate-- except a horny intact dog! He could turn from Peewee Herman to Jim Carrey in a matter of hours. If a tiny 8# Cairn gets pregnant at such a young age, the risks are too great!

Another question. You say you want to breed Gidget. Any particular reason? I don't think you could pay me to breed, the responsibility is so awesome. In virtually all purebred dogs, there are genetic anomalies that can only be avoided by some tests and examinations. I am not trying to scare you, but breeding is not something to be taken lightly. Are you willing to be responsible for Gidget's offspring for their whole lives if an owner can no longer keep her? We have far too many needy Cairn terriers in rescue. The risks to the dam, and especially a Cairn terrier as diminuative as Gidget are considerable. Breeders lose puppies ALL THE TIME. And it's not as rare as you think to lose the mother, too.

Please consider this advice. It is given with love-- and I do not mean any disrespect to anyone.

With concern,

Jill in Oregon. . .

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