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You Light Up My Life

Ms. Maggie

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Maggie loves :wub: to catch lightning bugs. This year we have an abundance of them. The funny thing is the other night we were getting after her and told her "no" and she turned and looked at us as the bug was lighting up in her mouth. "GROSS" :huh: She suddenly started shaking her head and trying to get it out as if it tasted like vinegar. It was funny :lol: She looks out in the yard as they all start coming up. She is sweet.

We had a scare last week with her. She developed a UTI and was a very sick little girl but she is all better this week. We are scared everytime she does anything different because we lost Chloe and the thought of losing her is unbearable.

I'm at work now but I will get back on tonight.


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I haven't caught Savannah with a lightning bug yet but I imagine that it is just a matter of time! I am so glad to hear that your baby is feeling better. After reading all these posts on sick pups, I am a such a worry wart when it comes to Savannah's heath. When I read these and the pups don't have hardly any symptoms it scares me becuase I wonder, "Would I have taken Savannah to the vet if she were acting that way?" Now I freak out anytime she is acting even a little different. Imagine what a wreak I will be tomorrow while she is being spayed! I even asked for Friday off work in case I decide she needs me to be home to pamper her! :D Spoiled puppy!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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We have a lot of lightning bugs, too (in PA). I've seen Liddy snap at them, but I've never seen her eat any. I'll keep my eyes peeled this summer though.

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We have lots of lightening bugs too, but my two don't seem interested in them....I think I would scream if one of their mouths lit up! :shock:

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My pup got a bug of some sort the other day, and ate it, and man was he shaking his head...i hope it taught him a lesson....

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I had to laugh when I saw the post about Liddy and the catepillar, b/c I thought of my Angus and the lightning bugs. I couldn't believe it when I ran across your post about the very same thing!

The lightning bugs have just come out here in the last week or so and it seems like there is even more than usual (I'm in PA too Bekah) Angus is loving it. He is so quick--he just snatches them out of the air. I haven't figured out if he's actually eating them, but I don't think so. :P


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