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Cat Problems


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After the attack on Saturday, I have been taking my pup into our small backyard for his "walks" in between longer walks in the neighborhood and I discovered a problem. Seems a neighborhood cat (or raccoon?) has been relieving itself in our backyard, and it is very very strong smelling! :( Any suggestions on how to deter the cat from being in our backyard without doing harm to my pup? Gee, I am really having issues with our neighborhood animals these days. :(

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I hang mothballs around...cats don't like the smell of them and will stay away. My mom used to set out white jugs in her gardens and that for some reason kept cats out too....don't know why, but it worked.

Try the mothballs, they really do work!


ps-in the trailer we used to have, we kept moth cakes hanging in there just because my husband likes the smell of them....the dog would stay away from that part of the trailer, so apparently dogs don't like the smell either! The do sell the cakes that come in hangers and for outdoors, that might work better.

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I will second the moth ball remedy just scatter some around the outside of your yard. They work for animals and snakes as well. When our children were little and playing in the yard we used them to keep the slithering slinking critters out.

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Now that's a good tip to know about snakes!!!!!!!! I'll be buying a bulk lot next time I head to the lake!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I have cat problems too, Milopup. Not only do they mess in my yard, they were killing the birds at our feeders so I had to stop putting out seed.

Moth balls are poisonous so I wouldn't use them. Cats don't like water and if you're willing to spend some money, they have some neat cat repellents on the market.



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