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Mars Coat King came yesterday

Mama Kim

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In just a few passes through Piper's coat, I couldn't believe how much hair came out. Is this normal? Will I make her bald, lol? How often should I use it on her? I know this topic has been covered repeatedly so I'm sorry for the repetition. Any help/advice is appreciated!

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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An astounding amount of coat will come out. Enough to fill a grocery bag, or build another dog. My suggestion is to simply use your eyes (step back frequently and have a look from a few feet away) and only do a few minutes each day. That way you will automatically stop before you do anything extreme. Don't be in a hurry to get it all done at once.

You'll find yourself saying things like - "tomorrow I'm going to spend two minutes on that butt" or "she looks like a linebacker - tomorrow I'm going to spend a couple minutes on that neck." If you just wail on everything until no more coat comes out, you may not have any coat left :w00t: Better to just 'nibble' at it. You've got a lifetime of coat to work with.

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Guest rottndobie

Ok Brad - I got the MCK back around the end of January. I did "get carried away" and ran the MCK thru Shadow's coat until I didn't get much out. :shock: Now, how long does it take for the coat to grow back in?? LOL

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I have heard one to many horror stories on this subject. My mars coat king just came yesterday and I am scared to use it. I understand it is used like a brush, so will two (2) passes through the back be enough? I don't want to take that much hair off, just a little!!!! Please help, I don't want a bald dog either :shock:

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I've only had a MCK less than a year and so far, no one is bald. :D I just take a little off at a time. My youngest has such a thick coat that I can go over the same area many times. My other two cairn's coats are thin so I have to be careful not to strip them. They all stand good for me, but it is funny to see them try and hide when I get the MCK out.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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And my Elliott loves it! It must feel good against his skin.

I know what you mean about the amount of fur that comes out. I'll rake it over a section at least a half dozen times and then use a fine toothed comb. It's amazing how much more will come out just using the comb. It feels like the Mars loosens the hair up.

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I used it too much on Scout last summer and she looked like a drowned rat all year! It's still growing in, but it's almost there. Now I use it for just a few min at a time. It I need to take more off, there's always another day....I don't want a bald dog again!

Now, I know there are folks that like the trimmed look, but I like the shaggy look myself.

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It does grow back. I use the tool on Maggie with splendid results-- I partly strip, partly Coat King-- she maintains her nice hard coat.

Geordie requires direr measures: The FURminator. It's great for getting out stubborn undercoat, and he is a veritable factory! His dead, stubborn undercoat could fill a king sized comforter-- cushily!

For those with similar Chia Pets, go to FURminator. But it's cheapest if ordered off QVC. Now, to borrow loosely from an old Lennon/McCartney song, he's not half the dog he used to be! However, I look forward to a rejuvenated top coat-- and this thing works FAST.

It's always good to space it out a bit, but the FURminator doesn't bother Geordie any more than any other grooming experience, and the catharsis is something to behold!


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Geordie requires direr measures: The FURminator. It's great for getting out stubborn undercoat, and he is a veritable factory! His dead, stubborn undercoat could fill a king sized comforter-- cushily!

Sorry I can't help it-- does the fur say, "I'll be back.....?"


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"I'll be back" - too cute! :ninja:

If anyone has before and after pics, please kindly share them. I am seriously thinking of purchasing the mars and would love to see some pictures.



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Guest girliejr

I have asked at Petsmart for the MCK and they look at me like I am crazy. Where does one obtain such a device?

Also, I have been getting Jack groomed for 3 years now (he has never been stripped, just cut really short), is it too late to start using the MCK on him?

I know it is best to have them stripped, but I couldn't find anyone in my area and the one person I did find charged an arm and a leg! :shock:

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I have asked at Petsmart for the MCK and they look at me like I am crazy.  Where does one obtain such a device? 

Also, I have been getting Jack groomed for 3 years now (he has never been stripped, just cut really short), is it too late to start using the MCK on him? 


You have to order them on-line. Just do a search for them.

It's not too late to use the MCK. Carolina got clipped for several years before I got my MCK last fall. Her coat is softer than it should be but oh well. I didn't know they really shouldn't be clipped! :whistle:

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Thanks for all your replies. I have been nibbling here and there at Piper with the MCK and she looks great! I don't have any before and after pics, but I'm happy with the results thus far.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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