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Hair in his eyes


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I'm a new Cairn owner, so this may be a silly question: It seems to be a characteristic of Cairns to have tufts of hair growing from the inside corner of their eyes. I think this adds to their cute appearance, as do their bushy eyebrows, which I assume, protect them from the glare of the sun.

My Cairn's eyebrows are fine, but the tufts of hair on the inside corners of his eyes are so long & thick, I wonder if they interfere with his vision. Is it ever appropriate to trim these? Would it be harmful if I cut this little bit of hair off? I would feel bad if I clipped them & they never grew back.


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I clip those tufts of hair on all three of mine. I really don't know if it interferes with their vision...I only do it because one of mine is inclined to getting eye ulcers and my vet recommended keeping that hair from irritating the eye. Before I took Elliott home, one of the things my breeder did was clip those hairs on him.

I do think it looks awful cute though. I guess it's a decision on how you want your Cairn to look. The hair has always grown back.

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I have trimmed Finch's hair because hers grows soooo fast. I have only trimmed them twice and she didn't seem to mind. I cut them by holding onto the hair between my fingers and cutting into the hair...not across...hope that makes sense!

I like the hairy look too. Here's a picture of both of them. Scout doesn't have alot of hair on her face (see the red hair on her chin that makes her look like a billy goat??), but Finch does.


This picture was taken this spring.

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Guest rottndobie
I have trimmed Finch's hair because hers grows soooo fast. I have only trimmed them twice and she didn't seem to mind. I cut them by holding onto the hair between my fingers and cutting into the hair...not across...hope that makes sense!

I like the hairy look too. Here's a picture of both of them. Scout doesn't have alot of hair on her face (see the red hair on her chin that makes her look like a billy goat??), but Finch does.


This picture was taken this spring.


OMG your guys look exactly like Shadow - but with longer, fuller body hair..LOL. I just love that coloring - what do you call it?


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Scout, on the left is a grey brindle, although she has a ton of red hair now..but it's hard to see in this picture. Finch, on the right, is a red brindle and hasn't changed colors...yet!

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What adorable photo's. There both beautiful! Love the photos.

This may sound silly but how do you post bigger pictures? I resize mine small.

What size do you make your photos to appear larger?

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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They are lovely photos.

Back to hairy eyes .. the hair near the inner corner of the eye I suggest you don't clip. Pull it out with your fingers, it's easier and it grows back much slower. Plus, there is no danger of any scissor accidents.


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