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At petsmart today


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I saw a cairn terrier at petsmart today. I know I shouldn't say this, but I kinda freaked out when I saw how big he was. The lady said he was 7 mos old, Booker is 6 mos.

I didn't realize they got as big as hers was, he was super huge. I'm thinking to myself....how am I gonna pick up Booker when he gets that big?...........jan


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My first cairn, Zoe, was all of 13 lbs when she died. I now have Tucker and Scruffy, and both of them are at 19.5 and 20 lbs, respectively. :w00t: They are definitely not overweight, and I am not feeding them too much. They're just big. I find it very funny that they both ended up on the large side, tho. It certainly makes it difficult to carry them around when I have to! :P


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Guest mrskti

I have a feeling that Ellie Mae is going to be big, she's 4mo and has to be at least 12 pounds already. She's not fat either, solid as a rock. We dont call her Cowgirl for nothing!!! Dori is a tiny little minute. My grandaughter calls her pudge.

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Mine are good size too although I think Elliott will be the smallest.

Just how did Dorothy pick Toto up so easily....and sometimes with one arm? :confused:

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Mila is 7 months old and weighs in at around 10 lbs. Maybe I should worry that she is too small??? She seems healthy and fit, however, her mother was small. I honestly hope she doesn't get too big, I like her small. How much more do they grow after 7 months?

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I was thinking that Toto looked a little big....maybe I should watch it again...lol!

Scout's legs are longer than Finch and she is 16 pounds. Finch is alot smaller, with shorter legs and she weighs 13 pounds. Scout is 3 years old and Finch is 14 months. Finch is much easier to pick up than Scout! You wouldn't think that 3 pounds make that much of a difference, but it does.

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I just came from a dog show and some of the Cairns were definitely much larger than others. Apparently the "standard" is fairly flexible when it comes to size! Brody (16 mos) is 15.6 pounds; Mia (7 mos) is probably about 12 pounds. Her first family returned her and when we got her she was 5 mos and a very pudgy 11 pounds (though the vet said she wasn't too fat for a puppy).

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Savannah is 5 months old and is between 10 and 11 pounds. Her mother was 13 and her dad was 12 so I am hoping that she will be somewhere between there. Right now, I can still pick her up with one hand without a problem. The vet said she probably won't get much bigger but will probably fill out a little more once she gets into adulthood. Hope he is right! I can't imagine her being 20 pounds!!

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We just picked up Alfie from a playdate with his former family -- we promised his former owner a day when he will come and visit. When we picked him up, they told me they're surprised Alfie has turned fat and they walked him several times during the day to exercise him! He only eats once a day and has chew bones and of course the treats during the day....but I don't think it's enough to turn him overweight.....plus we bring him to the dog run all the time and has his daily walks.....I think he just grew some more and is within normal limits...around 20 lbs...we've been cautious about his turning overweight after he got neutered.

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Banjo is 3 years old and weighs 21 lbs. The vet thought that maybe he was a mix (I got him from a rescue group). If he is a mix, most of him is Cairn!

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If you got to look at the parents you will probably have a clue as to the size of your puppy. Rebel's sire was 20 lbs and mother was 15 lbs and he stays at 20 -20.5 lbs.

I think it depends on what qualities the breeder is trying to breed in. I know the breeder I got him from doesn


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Our Gracie is 4 1/2 months old and weighs only 5 pounds and our new boy, Spike, is 4 months and weighs 71/2 pounds. The vet says they are both healthy and fine for their size. Spike feels heavier than his weight and is really husky with a larger head and body than Grace. She is so little, but has the most amazing energy and eats like a little pig. Spike is kinda lazy, laid back with not a huge appetite. We love them both to pieces even if that isn't exactly what the standard says they should be. :P

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