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Playmate for Gracie!

Gracie's Mom

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Gracie now has a new brother! We brought him home a week ago and he is two weeks younger than Grace but much bigger. She's a wheaten and he is dark brindle. He has lots of fur (kind of curly) and has the sweetest disposition! He's very laid back and wants to be held and loved, whereas Grace was a spitfire from the onset. She has established dominance even though she is much smaller. We wanted her to have a playmate so she wouldn't get lonely and now are in the midst of potty training both. I think I may lose my mind. I am trying to keep to a schedule with the feeding, playing, and "outside to potty" times so that's pretty much all I do during the day. Please tell me it will get easier.... I love Spike to pieces already and Grace has nestled her way in our hearts as well, so I guess we will survive this. Anyone out there with two Cairn puppies (4 1/2 and 4 months) who survived with their sanity intact? :P

Thanks! Linda

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Congratulations, Linda! We are (well, actually I am...) contemplating on getting a second cairn but I'm still testing the waters....I'm sure you'll survive this! It's all about having fun! Always keep in mind, they're cutie pies!

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Guest mrskti

HI linda, congradulations on your babies. I have two 4mo old female Cairns. Doing "pretty good" on the housebreaking. Dori the brindle is doing great, Ellie Mae has to be watched about 5pm...that seems to be her accident time. Maybe since we get dinner, kick back and get lazy that time of day. I'll take the blame. Otherwise they're doing good, especially considering as soon as they got use to our house, we here on a three week vacation, going into a new house...and then the motor home...so i'm sure they're totally confused. And monday we'll be taking them to Ft Wilderness at Walt Disney World. So the adventure will continue!!! Just try to keep a schedule and take them to the same place each time (wherever you are) and they'll get the hang of it!! The two of them will be so fun to watch you'll wonder why you didnt get two right away.

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Hi Linda:

Congrats on the new addition. Don't worry you will get there. Don't expect consistentcy with the training until 7-8 months. Two cairns are great and I wish I could have another.

Barb, Ghillie, and Smokey

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Guest posting as: Scully'sMom

Congratulations on your new addition! All I can say is....God bless ya! Maybe somebody I'll join the fray and get another Cairn.

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Congrats on your new little one! You are in for a fun and eventful few months!

ps (I'm on my son's computer, since I can't log on with mine.....ugh!)

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How wonderful for Gracie and for you!

It should get easier once they get a bit older. It does take some time for the housetraining. Elliott is now 9 months and almost perfect with the training (notice I said "almost")....yesterday he pooped outside my son's bedroom door because my son had friends in his room and they shut him out. There's nothing like a Cairn scorned. :lol:

I remember pulling my hair out, times where I told myself I was crazy trying to have 3 of them but I'd gladly get another in a heartbeat if hubby wouldn't kill me.

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