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Bug Hunter


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My pup doesn't hunt 'coons (I don't think) but he does seem to like bugs. Because of the severe/abnormal humid weather in our area, we have been dealing with a lot of bugs. A couple came in (couldn't close the door fast enough) and off the snifer ound went! We weren't even sure what he was sniffing at, but found underneath the shoe mat one solitary bug. He was almost going to eat it - ugh, anyone else have bug hunters? How do you stop them from eating the bugs? Is it dangerous?

BTW - on our walk this morning, he tried to chomp a small slug, shell and all. :sick:


Yes, Alfie is an avid bug hunter, not to eat but to play with. Earlier in another thread I mentioned that he thought a bee was playing with him (it was actually dying in front of his nose because he mouthed it). So whenever we go that same spot he would bark and yelp like crazy expecting the bee to come out. He's been pulling parts of our grass out looking for more bugs, our lawn looks ugly.


Savannah is a bug hunter! I, like Brad, have used Savannah to kill bugs (usually when my DH isn't home to do it!) She plays with them for a while (flings them around and pounces on them like a cat) and then will eat them. :sick: I try to keep her from eating them because it grosses me out but I don't always suceed. My Dh pointed out that dogs eat bugs in the wild so it shouldn't hurtl her. Still, it makes me gag! Her favorite bugs seem to be moths and beetles. She can jump pretty high in the air if she is after a moth!

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The bug Bosco found is one of those dark brown ones with a hard shell (no idea what it is called, nature person I am not!) and he was just batting it about, almost ready to chomp when I picked it up. Blech... :sick:

Guest girliejr

Jack swallowed a bee whole once. :lol: I thought it might have stung him on the way down, but he didn't act like it bothered him too much. He still goes after flying bugs, so I guess he didn't learn his lesson!


It's always amusing to watch Allie follow a little bug across the floor, her nose right on the wood and sniffing the whole while. Sometimes she'll nip a little, or try to take a taste, but she never "gulps." I think she may have run into a "bad bug" when I wasn't looking.

But using the cairn as a bug catcher - wow, a great idea! And no mess to clean up on the window afterward! I'm going to try that the very next time I see a fly on the glass. Thanks, Brad!


Piper is a Bug Hunter too. :wub: In fact, a few weeks ago we had a little 'accident' at our house involving our upstairs laundry flooding and leaking down into our kitchen. DH ended up drilling a couple of holes in our ceiling so the water could drain through more easily. Well, until we got the drill holes patched up, Piper went crazy thinking those little black marks on the ceiling were some type of bugs!! She'd jump up on a chair, onto the kitchen table and start barking furiously at these 'bugs'. It about drove us nuts. Lou even held her up to the ceiling so she could see they weren't bugs, but it didn't phase her. Thank goodness it's all been dried, patched and painted now.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton


Cooper goes after flies and moths.....the moths are out in the lawn and really show up at night and it is almost impossible to get him in. He hunkers down and does the belly crawl to sneak up on them! It is really funny to watch!!

I try not to let either Cooper or Yoda go after bees...especially Yoda. His mother died of anaphylactic shock from a bee sting when he was just four weeks old, so I don't want to take any chances.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.

Liddy likes worms. She kind of bats them around and pushes them around with her nose, sometimes she mouthes them too. Eventually, the poor worms die and Liddy looks at them like, "What the heck?" I like to call her "Lenny" like the character from "Of Mice and Men."


We also have "moth" dogs. It is hysterical to watch the concentration on their little faces as they jump for the kill. I really think they'd pass up a tasty treat for this new sport.

A couple weeks ago Madison and Elliott had a fight over a fly. One of them wounded it and while it was bouncing on the floor, they both went for it...snarling, snapping at each other.

Gonna be a long summer :lol:


Heh! Little Elsa is a worm-killer! She tormented a big fat earthwom for quite a while. Not sure how much of it she ate....not sure the pieces left over all matched up. Oh well, its pure protein right? :sick:


Whenever I see a bug or spider I will call our cat over and say, "Look at the bug." He'll come running but Carolina comes running whenever she hears the word "look". The cat will play with the bug a bit and then Carolina will eat it! Her sister Lindy catches flies and kills them, leaving them on the carpet. ;)


Piper even knows the word 'bug'. I mistakenly said something about bugs to her last night and she kept looking up at the ceiling and running around the room. It was quite funny!

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

Piper even knows the word 'bug'. I mistakenly said something about bugs to her last night and she kept looking up at the ceiling and running around the room. It was quite funny!


Carolina knows "bug" as well as "look". In conversation with my DH, one of us will say "look" and she starts whipping her head around to figure out what she's supposed to look at! :lol: I don't know how she learned the word. What they learn when we're not looking! :w00t:


LOL, my two know the word "look" too! It usually get their attention, and maybe it's the tone I use, but they know the word!

Finch does't seem to care for bugs, but Scout loves them! She eats them all the time, but her favorite activity is rolling in it! Yuck! As soon as I see her rolling in the grass, I know she's found a worm. I guess it could be worse...she could be rolling in poo!


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