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Huntin' a 'Coon!


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Grrr...just typed this, hit post and the board shut down for "urgent maintainence" and it didn't post! So here goes try #2!

Last night Carolina was out in the backyard and I heard her bark every once in awhile. It was almost bedtime so I opened the door to let her in and she wasn't there. I called her and she didn't come, so I asked DH if she was out front with him. He said she was in the backyard, so I went out, this time turning on the light. She was out at our birdfeeders looking up into the neighbor's tree. When I walked over, she started barking and growling again. I looked up and thought I saw a squirrel tail but this late? It was dark!

I returned to the house for a flashlight, shined it up in the tree and saw a raccoon! I went and got DH and the camera and took a few pictures of it. I think it was a younger one b/c adults are huge and this one wasn't that big.

We finally got Carolina in the house with promises of a "cookie" which she ate and then ran to the door, barking to go out again. We tried distracting her with her hide-a-squirrel toy but she wanted back out. I thought it might be a long, noisy night but when we carried her up to bed, she settled right down.

I wonder if the coon will be back tonight? I'm sure she'll be looking for it!

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Cairns have a great memory, so I'm betting that Carolina will be at your back door barking every night looking for the same Coon! LOL!

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In another post I said that Mila had treed a possum. Well she did it on Friday night and she was still running around that same tree on Sunday. Yes, they do have memories about things like that, but it is a selective memory. Like when you call them and they seem to forget their names!

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