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Camping Pics of Carolina


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We went camping this past weekend and I wanted to share some photos of Carolina. The first one is of her looking out our camper door, wanting out. I love how she's on her tip toes!

The second one is of her sunning herself. We had terrible weather for most of the weekend but it turned nice the day we left, (of course!)

We went with other people and the first day we hiked up a trail with 2 dogs. Neither were on leashes and they had a ball. At one point, both of them were running so fast that the other dog collided with Carolina. She didn't get hurt, (he was about her same size but probably twice her weight). They were in seventh heaven on that walk! The campground was nearly empty so of the 4 dogs we were with, Carolina was the only one to ever be on her leash and stake and that was only when we got busy cooking. None of the other dogs were ever leashed and all of them stayed in the campsite. It was nice to have the place to ourselves!



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It sounds like Carolina had herself a great weekend. I have a picture on my desk of Scully doing the same thing - looking out the front door. Little Miss Nosey!

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We take Mila "camping" every weekend. We have a cabin in the woods and she loves it. Off leash she goes exploring, however, I did get a lead to put there as she was getting a little too brave running around. She even treed a possum the other night!

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Camping sounds like so much fun and Carolina looks like she had a great time. Great pictures, I love the one of her peeking out the door.

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Wow, how fun!

Well, we are taking the pups camping in the Redwoods over the 4th of July. In a tent. Hoping we will be able to sleep, since right now they bark at everything that moves! They are just learning to go on leashes, and certainly don't come when called yet, so no running thru the woods for them!

Any camping pointers (about terrier puppies) welcome!

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Hoping we will be able to sleep, since right now they bark at everything that moves! 

Any camping pointers (about terrier puppies) welcome!


I would predict they will take some time to settle down that first night in the tent. I remember Carolina's first tent camping experience. It was bedtime so we went in the tent. She was trying to figure out what was going on: "What are we doing? We're going to sleep?!? Are you crazy? There's so much noise out there!" She was listening to every little noise but finally settled down.

I would suggest tiring them out during the day! Also, expect at the first light, them wanting to get up! Carolina still does that. This last trip, she was up at 5:30 or 6:00 both mornings. The 2nd morning DH shoved her under the covers between us and she went back to sleep. :lol:

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