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Long scary morning!


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We had a frightening morning with Finch today! I took her out, around 8am, to go to the bathroom. She has been out about 2 hours before without any problems. Finch took off running to the side of the house. We don't have a fenced in yard, but she ALWAYS stays in the backyard to go potty. I ran around the side of the house and I couldn't see her. DD, and I walked down the street calling her name, but she was nowhere to be found. I got in my car and drove around, but still couldn't find her. By this time I was in tears, thinking that she was gone for good. I drove to the street behind us (for the tenth time!) and an elderly lady said that her friend was driving down the street (a very busy one!) and saw a terrier runnning down the street looking very scared! She opened her door and let Finch in and took her to her house. I drove over to her home and Finch was in their house surrounded by tons of kids that had already nicknames her "Mopsy"! I thanked her profusely for saving Finch's life and Finch and I came home. I took her outside to go potty and she ran back inside the house. I then took her outside and tied her to her lead, but she still seemed very scared so I took her back inside.

I think she was very frightened by the roofers who are putting on a new roof next door. I think they scared her and she ran for her life.

This is the first time she has run off and I almost lost her......my heart has stopped pounding and Finch will go outside with a leash on for a long time!


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So glad your pup is back home safe and sound. I've had this happen a couple of times too, and it just about gave me a heart attack. Thank goodness for kind neighbors!

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Gosh, that's exactly how we felt when Alfie ran out...glad to hear that you have a happy ending. It's always good to know there are neighbors who help out!


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This past fall, Yoda somehow got out of our fenced yard. After what happened, I think he was lured. When I found him to be missing, I called and called, but he did not come, so I got in my car and started searching. After several minutes, which seemed like hours that dragged on forever, I found him. I had found people that had seen him and my route followed their directions....it was over a mile! When I found him, some teenagers were trying to get him into a car, but he would not get in. I called to him and he came running top notch. One of the boys said they had found him and were bringing him to my house...how they knew where he belonged, I can only imagine. One of the other boys that had been in their car was screaming loudly 'isn't she going to give us a reward??? Everyone else does when we return their dogs!' I scooped him up and off we went as fast as I could! Even in the yard now, they are not out of my sight.

I know exactly how you feel!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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So glad this had a happy ending. I know you were BOTH scared to death!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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What a scary ordeal!!! I am so glad you have Finch back safe and sound!!! Thank goodness for kind and caring neighbors!!!!


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I found out why she ran away! Our next door neighbor is having a new roof put on and she is TERRIFIED for the workers!!! I'm not sure why she is so scared of them! I took her out, about a half an hour ago (on the leash) and she bolted, trying to run away! She then turned around and tried to run inside the house and up the steps. She didn't go very far since the leash is only about 5 to 6 feet long. I took her to the side of the house (hoping to hide the workers), but she was still very scared. I had to pick up and bring her back inside.

Anyone have a clue why she is so scared of the roofers????

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Maybe she thinks they are big birds coming to take her away!!!!!!

I wish someone would take me away.....


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Guest mrskti

I keep telling everyone the importance of leashing these puppies!! Just cause you live in the middle of 80acres doesn't mean they wont be lost in the woods...too scary to even think about.

i've emailed a trainer and when we get back home in two weeks I hope the training will begin.

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We all know how particularly frightening this topic is to me - and to all of us - I am SO thankful you found Finch and that she was alright. I am SUCH a wuss when it comes to this, I read your post and the tears started rolling down my cheeks.

On an upnote - what a hysterical nickname - Mopsy.

Again, I'm so happy that things turned out so well. When we had the concrete work done, Scully was terrified of them as well. They didn't use the jackhammer that much, but just even pouring the cement she was afraid. She hid under the tables every day they were there.

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Well, it was the roofers. She won't even come upstairs now (from the basement). All I have to do is say the word "eat", and she comes running from anywhere in the house. She wouldn't even lift her head up when I said the word "eat"! I had to bring her bowl downstairs.....poor baby!

We are going to have to take her outside early in the morning and then drive somewhere for her afternoon "potty break"...hope it doesn't take too long to put a roof on!

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I can imagine all that pounding and people up in the sky where they don't belong could be disturbing to a dog. They tend to like everything in its place. Ours barked at the roofers next door and all that barking is often itself an expression of fear (covered by braggadocio). So undisquised fear is just more honest!

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Thank heavens you found Finch. I know how frantic I would be. We just never know what goes through their little minds and some things we never give a second thought to scare them to death! Good luck the next few days.

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What a terrifying experience! I'm so relieved and happy that all is well and Finch is safe. Thank God for honest, animal-loving people.

My family members laugh at me because I'm so neurotic about the escape potential that is always there if you own a Cairn.

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I am so glad Finch is home, safe and sound! Hopefully the roofers will be gone very soon!


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I'm so happy Finch is safe at home. My family members, not hubby but sister and friends think I'm nuts as well becasue they just don't understand the Terrier run for your life. I watched Missy like a hawk always on leash. We had a 6 foot cedar fence but the back was a busy street so I never let her have the full run just incase. Kramer he is not a bolter, But, he likes to run after kids on bikes, roller blades thinking they will play with him, if there walking or dogs walking with there masters he is fine its only the running motion. Needless to say, I will never have him off leash even though he never bolts but ya just never know when that bird or rabbit will jump out and run and then there goes the cairn instinct to RUN!

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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I'm so glad it turned out ok!

We have a fenced in back yard and Saidi managed to get out yesterday evening also. It was due to my stupidity and slowness though :( I watched the boy next door open his backyard gate and run through slamming it on his way out. The gate never shut and their Westie got out. First thing I did was look where Saidi was. She was at the other corner of the yard (about 20-25 yards) so I ran to the gate and quickly opened and shut it. Then Adam (neighbor boy) and I proceeded to run towards Webster (the Westie) calling his name. Well, at what seemed to be the speed of light I see Saidi streak past me :shock: She went strait for Webster, put her head under his body, lifted his front legs off the ground and turned him on his back :D That enabled Adam and Molly (Adam's sister) to catch Webster and then Saidi who wanted another crack at Webbie. It was really funny to watch because Saidi is only 6 months and Webster is 1 1/2 years old! They have been fence buddies since Saidi arrived a few weeks ago and we've been planning on putting them together soon, just not in this manner :confused: Afterwards Molly told me that between the time I opened our gate, stepped out and turned around to shut it, Saidi ran the length of the yard and slipped out between my legs. I have no idea how she did that without me seeing it.

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Oh Finch I am so glad you're ok...what a scare!! I'm glad she's back home safe and sound!

I can imagine how the roofers scared Finch. I know my parents are planning on having an addition put onto the house this summer and I'll be sure to keep an extra eye on Liddy during the construction.

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Thanks, everyone! Finch FINALLY calmed down last night and went outside to go potty without her tail between her legs. Boy, I wish these guys could talk...can you imagine the conversations??? LOL!

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Shoe, I was out of town so I'm coming in late to your post. I just had to let you know how glad I am that you got your Finch back. These fiesty little characters seem to get frightened easily of strange sounds or objects. Out of my 3, Hannah will stay right w/ my unleashed, but due to my fear of her being scared by something, I will always leash her. My neighbors just resodded their lawn and the cairns were barking at the workers on and off all day. :mad: We're having some of our land cleared next week and the bulldozer is going to be loud. Gee, won't that be fun. :w00t:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Have fun with the bulldozers!!! When we get our tractor out, Mila just barks like crazy. She doesn't do that with the sweeper, but let a motorcycle go by, a tractor or any "big equipment" and she is barking like mad!

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What's wierd is that Finch didn't bark at all! I think she was just too scared to bark! Whew, I'm glad it's over. Our neighbors dog was just run over last week so it has been a scary week for dogs on our street.

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