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Home alone

M Jones

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If I get a Cairn, I would like it to be a well-trained and well-behaved dog, for it's own sake. Since I work 3 days per week, I would not want it to be in the company of my roommate and/or friends while I am away, because I would want to supervise it's treatment and training, and want it to know it's place and status in the household, and not be confused on the days when I am at work. And I would not want to take the chance that it would be let out of doors.

Therefore, I'm wondering how a Cairn would respond to being left in a carrier for 8 hours, locked in my bedroom while I am at work. Also, how could it go to the bathroom during those 8 hours?

I will greatly appreciate any response. Thank you very much.

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Ok, you have quite a few things your inqiring about at the same time. I will go in order to try to send my thoughts. As far as the well trained dog you are wanting, you better make sure you read all there is to read about the characteristics of a cairn before getting one. I love my Max, he is 8 1/2 mnths old now, but boy is he different from any other dog I have had. He has an enormous amount of energy (like I have never seen) :twisted: ,lol and he will test your last nerve when you say "no" to something he should not be doing. Now I find it very challanging and actually enjoy his wild personality, but...if you are wanting the laid back very obedient dog...this is NOT it. They are fun, energetic, comical and have the sweetest hearts, but sleeping, sitting still and listenting is not one of Max's strongest traits. :wink: I believe they are trainable, but I will let you know when I succeed at that!! :P

When I first got Max, I asked the vet about kenneling. He said it is the best form of training for the dog for safety and security. At first I felt so guilty (since I work 40+hours) but I would run home during my lunch hour everyday while he was very young and sometimes my hubby would would during his break. Now he is able to go a full 8 hours without a mess, but I still come home the majority of the time because I just think it is better for him.

I was very stresses when I first brought him home cause he did not cuddle like all my other dogs did. All he wanted to do is run the house, and investigate everything. Now he will sit by me for short periods, and chew a bone within eye distance of me. He follows me where ever I go, and has to be by my side. I love that!

You asked in another question about a male or female? They say females are more independant then the male, but since I own a male I can't say for sure. Before I got him I read everything there was to read about the Cairn. I went to the book store and read books of all sorts comparing what one said compared to the other. To my surprise I still wasn't ready for his tempermant when I brought him home. haha

Good luck to you and please read more and learn more so you will know for sure if this breed is for you. I believe once you get a dog it is your child and no matter what you better make it work. Just my opinion.



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Hi Melanie:

Thanks so much for taking the time to send such a wonderful reply.

I couldn't find much at the bookstore, but have since gone into Amazon.com and browsed many pages of their books on Cairns.

Then I was lucky enough to find this site, and this honest feedback from an actual owner is the best!!

I, like you, will do much research before I choose a dog, because I agree with you that when I get it, it will be my responsibility in every way until the day it dies. I would even make arrangements for a loving home for it if I were to die first!!!!!!

I previously had pet "house" rabbits - 5 in all, throughout a 10 year period. They did have outside play time, but really were house pets.

All have passed away - rabbits are not long lived - even with the best of care (and very large vet bills).

My first rabbit seemed like a good idea at the time, then I felt it should have a sidekick. Then over time I picked up three strays, so all of this was not exactly well-planned. They were sweet, and helpless, and delightful in many ways, all with different personalities. It was a unique experience to have rabbits for friends, a privilege to give them a good life, and an incredible amount of hard work!!!

This time I want to choose a pet more carefully.

I appreciate your feedback about the kenneling. I am concerned about that, and it's helpful to know that you have worked that out with Max.

Your Max sounds like a delightful devil. It's wonderful that you can go home at lunch time, and I'm sure very comforting to him. He's very lucky to have such a good home. I would do that, without a doubt, but by the time I would get home from work on my lunch hour, I would have 5 minutes before I would have to head back.

I'm leaning away from a Cairn, and your letter has helped me lean that way......I really like a peacful, quiet life. Thanks again so much for helping Cairns to find good homes!!

And a hug for Max.

M. Jones

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