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Puppy Pen


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This is the photo the breeder sent me of her pen . . . we built one very similar. We take Sherman out and put him in it each time. Right now it's on our concrete pad (so we can "see" what he's done and hose it down after) and we'll gradually move it to the grass. Grass is very much a novelty and distraction for him now!


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I've been thinking of making something similar that I could collapse and take up to the lake with me. Lattice is an easy size to manage and could go on my roof racks and maybe make some kind of latch system to connect the pieces. The boys aren't happy up at the lake because they can't be off their leashes but with a pen like that they could have a bit of freedom (under my eagle eye of course)

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We take the exercise pens up that they sell at pet shops...they work great! We have two that are hooked together, so they have a large area to run around in, about 6' x 10'. They are happy as clams. These pens fold up quite easily (I am quite certain they are the ones people take to dog shows), and fit right in the back of my car. We now just leave them up there as we don't use them at home any longer. True, they will cost more than lattice, but in the long run, I think you will find they are much more durable.


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Ex-pens are very useful. We use a very short one for a puppy 'potty corral' - we use them to temporarily 'fence' around furniture, plants, small construction projects. My wife sets up an ex-pen around herself in the middle of the kitchen each year to carve a pumpkin without 'help' from the dogs. With a couple of snap-bolts and some rings screwed into door jambs you can use a section or two or three etc. to gate across openings wider than a standard babygate. They are a bit expensive but they last for years and years.

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Guest mrskti

I would think once you buy enough lattice and latches etc, time building it...you'd be ahead getting the boughten wire pens. I love ours, we have a tall one with us to take to Fort Wilderness next week. They cant' get over the short ones, but other dogs could!! I used it today while doing yard work, cause they kept whining for mom in the house!! Plus they can see through the wire pens better, and you can see what trouble their into!!!! :)

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Those pens look great!!! I would love one for when we visit people.

We are in the process of installing gates to our deck. We have 3 sets of steps off of our deck and closing all of them will give us one BIG playpen!!

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to find a used ex pen or wired pen try searching your local want ads... i continually run across them for as little as $25obo to $75... ... i wrote a few of the ads down and maybe will buy one to give me some more flexibility with maggie when we go camping...


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How tall are these pens? We had one for our dog when he was a pup, but had to get rid of it after he figured out he could jump over it.

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I'm glad to see you have a monkeydog too! Ours is up and over in a flash, and one of them is 36"! We got a fine plastic gardening mesh and put that up on the whole inside of it, since we never move it anyway, and that stopped that problem. It was hard to believe and even funnier to see a dog climb like that!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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