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At Lowes today


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I have another story to tell.

I was at Lowe's today looking for tile. As I was leaving, I heard this yelping coming from a buggy. Not sure what Lowe's policy is about dogs in the store, but a customer brought hers.

I just had to go peak at the yelping puppy. Honest to goodness.....I absolutely freaked out!!!! Never in my life have I seen a cairn terrier in person until I bought Booker. Wizard of Oz has always been the closest I've come to that breed, and toto was on tv.

Here in this buggy was an adorable male cairn terrier. Not one to be shy, I started talking really fast. I told the owner about Booker and asked her a million questions about her 3 month old puppy. We exchanged phone numbers.

I asked her where she got her boy. She told me at a pet shop in Asheville. I kinda cringed cause I know the unfavorable side of buying at a pet shop.

I gave her this forum addy and told her she'd learn tons of info about her cairn terrier. She said she bought hers because of the way he looked in the store. She said she had no intentions of ever owning another puppy.

Well, there's my story. Have a great day..............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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I've never seen any dogs in Lowes or Home Depot.

Is the Asheville you mentioned, Asheville, NC? The reason I ask is because my boss was in our Asheville office before he came to Philly and his mom lives there. I've heard so much about it.

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Yep, the mall I was speaking about is in NC. I found it rather strange that Lowe's allowed an animal in their store.

The puppy was small and I'll be willing to bet...management knew nothing about it.................jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Guest mrskti

we saw a dog in a Home Depot in Rockford, Illinois not long ago...was a surprise to see the little guy. What would it hurt, not like theres any food there or anything.

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Hi Jan,

Glad you were able to see the puppy and meet another cairn lover. I've seen dogs in both Lowes, Home Depot, even Wal-Mart. I have taken my youngest, Hannah into Home Depot w/o a problem. I also had her in Toys-R-Us once and all the employess just smiled at her. Dumb me saw a manager and asked if it was ok. She told me to finish my shopping but I needed to leave as a dog could pose quite a health issue. Please, w/ all of the snotty nose little kids in a toy store putting everything in their mouth, sneezing on the merchandise and touching everything after their fingers just came from their nose! :soap: Little Hannah just lay fastened in the seat and never moved. Sorry to get on a roll there. I actually do like kids and love the one I have. It's just some of these rules are ridiculous. I think it must just depend where you live. When I was visiting my sister in Clearwater (Tampa area), Hannah was only a few months old and I carried her in every store in this open mall and no one said a thing.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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The Home Depot's here do not allow dogs, unless they are service dogs. In the past year, I was at Home Depot looking at paint chips and I reached out to take one when I heard a snarl and snap! The lady next to me was hiding a shitzu in her purse and it tried to bite me! I did complain to the manager and she had to leave. That store was clearly posted that dogs were not allowed and that was obviously why she had it hidden in her bag.

I have taken Cooper into Lowe's w/out any problem, but not since he was a puppy. There is a hardware store by our lake place who loves to have dogs visit and welcome them with open arms, as long as they are leashed.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Guest Guest

I'm quoting toomanypaws:

"a dog could pose quite a health issue"

I work in a doctors office as a nurse. My co-workers urged me to bring Booker by. I did.

Word got back to me that the stuffy office manager said Booker could be a health hazard. I'm thinking, 'I wouldn't want Booker around the stuffy office manager cause she may give him some attitude germs.' Well, I did tell some of my co-workers that.

One of the docs brings his dogs in every once in a while. Sure hope he doesn't catch wind about what the stuffy office manager said about Booker being there........jan

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I've never seen a dog at our HomeDepot...if I did I would definately bring my crew for some shopping.

Last week while at the gas station spending our paychecks, my husband sees a dog in the car in front of us and tells me it's a Cairn. I tell him I doubt it because there just aren't very many of them around. Well, he was right and I immediately started chatting with the owner, an older woman who got her from a rescue. She was 7 years old and a gorgeous silver brindle.

Funny how we bond with strangers who own Cairns. I was ready to invite this woman over for tea! :lol:

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Funny how we bond with strangers who own Cairns. I was ready to invite this woman over for tea!  :lol:


Whenever I go shopping and use the purse my dh got me that has the wheaten cairn on it, I have strangers walk up to me to tell me about their dog. It makes me laugh at how many folks out there still don't know what a cairn is. I've had to listen to stories about someones little Westie, even a Yorkie story once.

:offtopic: I recently went to a pet supply store where the owners are retiring. I opened the door and was greeted by the cutest little cream brindle cairn. I was amazed how he didn't dart out the door and my dd was instantly in love w/ yet another cairn. As I talked to the owner, the cairn played fetch w/ my dd. I found out that he came from the same breeder I got Hannah from. He was 18 mths old and had the same father as Hannah, no wonder I thought he was so adorable :wub:. I must have been in that store over 1/2 hr talking w/ "my new best friend". :lol:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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The company I work for even has a no-dog policy, dogs are a "health hazard." I can see why stores would not want dogs - sure enough someone would eventually sue the store because they are allergic to dogs and they claim a dog triggered an asthma attack or they touched a customer's dog and the dog frightened them and caused them to jump back and fall down, or some other reason to sue, real or not.

I love going to France, dogs are allowed anywhere. You can go in the nicest restaurant and if you can peak underneath the tables you always spot a few dogs snoozing peacefully while their owner dines and chats with friends. Apparently the French are not allergic to dogs, or, it's not so easy to trump up some reason to sue. They could do a bit better on the pooper scooping though :sick: !


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I think the world would be a lot better if dogs were allowed in stores and resturants like they are in Europe. I spent some time in Italy and noticed there were several "town dog," dogs who had no specific owners but were taken care of by the townspeople. One big dog (a mutt of some kind) used to nap outside the butcher shop because the butchers always threw scraps and bones out to him. Like Cairnmania said, except fo the absense of pooper scoopers, the European attitude toward dogs in public is great.

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