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Grilly is getting a sister


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Well...we finally got the call from our breeder on Tuesday

night that our new baby was born on Saturday! She is a

week old today. (I think we will actually have three girls to

choose from!) They are nearing 1 pound. We are so excited!

We are getting the dog for Grilly who just turned 4 (and for me...I am pup crazed)

He loves other dogs (little ones..that is) so we thought he would love a

playmate. I can hardly wait! :)

Any advice from the great forum members would be greatly

appreciated. My goal is to incorporate the new pup without making

Grilly feel " put out".

I will post pics of the babies when my breeder sends


Thanks so much!

7 weeks to go!

Ellie, Eric and Grilly

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YAY!! Congratulations to Ellie, Eric and Grilly! That's terrific news. Since I've only ever had one dog (I think I'm becoming the minority here... :D ), I have NO advice, but PLENTY of good wishes for you all.

Do you have any names picked out or are you going to wait until you see her and then decide?

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Cambell is a cute name!!!

Grilly is going to love having a baby sister to play with!!!! We adopted Finch for Scout too. We wanted a playmate for Scout, and boy did we get one! They are best buddies and have NEVER had a fight! I can't tell which one is alpha since they seem to trade off back and forth. They are very different dogs, which is nice.

Congrats, and I can't wait to see the puppy pictures!

ps Scout was 2 when we adopted Finch and they are almost exactly 2 years apart.

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Oh no, not another puppy! :wub: Grilly is sooo lucky to be getting a playmate and I'm sure she'll be a cutie-pie.

Scully'sMom, I live in a very strict one-dog house as well. Regardless of how many times I show my mom the pictures of all these cute puppies she keeps saying "no" or worse "you can get one when you get a place of your own!" There were two ads for Cairn puppies in our newspaper this week and I was sure to circle them and leave the page out for my parents suggesting that we "just go take a look," but so far no luck.

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So many new puppys really has me yearning for another one. I dreamt last night I had a "Scully look-alike" last night/morning and I called her Pip! :lol:



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Bekah, we moved into my mom's house to take care of her health needs - she's 82 and really pretty much in good shape (though SHE doesn't think so :confused: ). My husband actually said if it were just the two of us here he wouldn't mind getting another Cairn. I nearly fell over! :shock:

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Thanks to everyone for the well wishes.

We are very excited!


It is so funny that you would suggest Campbell.

That is my maiden name! So funny! I like the

tomato soup reference.


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Guest Guest

Oh...that is such wonderfu news! Grilly will love having a playmate and you'll have double the laughs (and double the trouble :lol: ).

I read alot of advice when I introduced Madison to Winnie. Of course Winnie was older and she took to Maddy immediately.

When I brought Elliott home, we had to contend with Madison who was a year old. We had an ex-pen all set up and slowly let them get used to each other through the bars. It didn't take long before I had 3 wagging tails. Some recommend the intro on neutral ground or in an outside area.

Contrary to what others say, I found less jealousy and fewer tiffs between my two girls than with Elliott and the girls.

7 weeks is going to feel like an eternity you know. We'll be here counting down the days right along with you.

Get the camera ready. :thumbsup:

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