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Happy Birthday Cairn Talk


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The first member post to Cairn Talk in its current configuration was on this day in 2002.

First post.

As you can see, some topics live on forever. Although if I'd had to guess, I'd have guessed it would have been a housebreaking topic :whistle: As of this morning visitors and members have made 18,950 posts, and 767 folks have taken a moment to register. Thanks to all who participate!

:cake: Happy Birthday Cairn Talk.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Happy Birthday to Cairn Talk!

What a tremendous group of individuals I've met since I've joined here. I so love seeing all your pictures of your little ones and hearing your stories.

Here's to many more years!

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I love, love, love this place!!

Good talk on a GREAT subject.....Cairns :halo: !!!!


P.S. And, a great big thanks to Brad for all his work on the forum!!!

Cathy and Piper

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Though kinda a newbie, I'm glad I found this place.............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Great site, I'm glad i've come across it, I've learned alot from it already and I am officially at 24hrs with my first cairn, 9.5 weeks old! (and first dog!)...and she's been great!!!!! well behaved!...pottys outside!...been for 4 car rides already and sleeps quiet!! ...lets see what the next 24hrs brings!!!hahahaha!

Thanks for the site, and wishing it many more great years ahead!


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Happy Birthday Cairn Talk! I'm really glad I stumbled across this board. I've gotten great advice and love seeing pics of everyone's pups and reading their stories. Thanks for all the laughs!

And thanks, Brad, for all your work, too.

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And thanks, Brad, for all your work, too

Okay, no sucking up!!!! :halo:

But that's what I was gonna say though. :P

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Happy Birthday Cairn Talk! :cake:

I too stumbled on this place right before I brought my 3rd cairn home. I was looking for a group that would understand my deep love for my cairns, my deep love for dogs. The place I had posted prior to Cairn Talk actually thought I was a bit harsh on a poster who thought it was ok to leave her 4 dogs in a large pen outdoors for over 2 wks w/ food and a large barrel of water. She stated how dogs eat mice and drink from swamps and won't mind the water getting dirty or running out of food.

I just love this group here and the warmth I feel as we share our stories and pictures. I think we cairn owners have learned a lifelong lesson, we are owned by our cairns. :lol: Having a cairn means we know how to have fun. More people could use a good laugh. More people need a cairn in their life.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Happy Birthday Cairn Talk if it weren't for this web site and all the help I would have never gotten Rebel.

This is a great forum!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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This is a wonderful day and cause for celebration...Happy Birthday, Cairn Talk!

Rumor has it Brad is footing the bill for all of us and our Cairns to get together for fun, food, drinks and treats this year.

:oops: Sorry, sometimes I get my dreams confused with reality.

Thanks Brad for all you do to keep this forum running smoothly.

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Okay, so I am a day late. Happy Birthday Cairn Talk, although you are only an inanimate vehicle into which its creator Bradl breathed life into on June 4th three years ago.

Still, many happy returns-- and more returns, and I shall return!


When's the party, Brad--- and none of that "virtual party" stuff. I want real sushi and Geordie demands his own order of Futomaki.

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Happy Birthday, Cairn Talk! It was shortly before Zoe died that I found this forum, and I am so glad I did. Y'all have been my lifeline at times, and my friends and extended family. Thank you, all of you, for three wonderful years! Thank you, Brad, for keeping things running smoothly!


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I'm relatively new to Cairn Talk Forum and I don't know what would I do without it and the great info it provides. For many, many, many more years to come. Happy Birthday!! :cake:

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I am few days late but still wanted to wish Cairn Talk a happy Birthday And Thanks to Brad for keeping it up and running smooth. I look forward to coming in here almost every day for a little stress relief .

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Happy Late Birthday Cairn Talk! This is a great place filled with great people! I look forward to all the pics and storys each day and treasure the support that is offered when needed. Kudos to Brad for all he does!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Happy Late Birthday Cairn Talk! I'm new as well to the Cairn talk forum, as all the others have said, it's a great place with lots of valuable info, great people and no better breed to brag about. :D

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Here's to Cairn Talk -- happy birthday, and many, many more. So glad I found you! So sorry I didn't find you a few years earlier -- think about all the great puppy pictures I've missed!

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