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pros and cons please


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hi. I was wondering if you guys could list the pros and cons of carins so I can show my boyfriend. thank you very very much

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Pros: Independent and won't hassle you to death; portable; relatively easy to maintain; relatively cheap to feed; brainy and entertaining; cuter than any dog has a right to be; great watchdog with bark that belies its size; no docking, cropping or other real amputation required; fewer health problems than most breeds; sense of the absurd; good with older gentle kids; not a "wimp" dog-- or yappy.

Cons: Independent and generally not a lap dog; free will interferes with obedience somewhat-- not a good off-lead dog; sucks as a guard dog but does bark; may be smarter than owner; terrier tenacity, temerity, and stubbornness; crummy choice for young children-- that is-- kids younger than six. . .; less compliant than a Golden Retriever.

Be sure to get one from a responsible breeder, if you decide so, use the breeder referral section of this site as a good start

Anyone care to add?

Good luck either way,



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I had my first cairn for 17 wonderful years. She was excellent with all humans.

Babys, small kids, adults etc... she just didn't like any other animals.

Very independant, not lap dog, sweet as can be and very loveable.

Our new pup Kramer is diiferent that Missy. He is not alpha or independant.

He is very loveable and a lap dog. Has to be on your lap literally when he has his toys or bone. His favorite pass time is fetching and playing with his wiffle ball.

I don't really have any con's about the breed. I love them more than most humans :wub:

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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may be smarter than owner

LOL Magadog... I am dying!!!!!!!! So funny, and sadly very true!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Pros: Lively, love to play, friendly, smart, great with kids of all ages from baby to teens, eager to please, long-lived, easy to care for, happy, quick learners, playful, outgoing

Cons: Abundant energy!!!!!!

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Witty, great sense of fun, always wearing a smile no matter what, run circles around slower witted dogs, kidders, absolutely fearless: will get on escalators, fun to be with, mine only needs stripping once a year (!), good appetites, hardy, tough little monkeys! Can't think of any "cons"!

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Lets see......





lap dogs

loves to give kisses

loves to ride in cars

good sleeping buddy


loves to play

loves to fetch

loves water


good watch dog





loves to bark

wants to eat all the time

wants to go on walks all the time

you have to spell words when talking about walks or eating


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Pros. Some of these have to have been covered already! Personality plus!!, , affectionate, cuddly when he wants to be cuddled, loves people, likes the other dog in my house, likes to talk/groan when getting petted, loves long walks, doesn't shed much, not a yippy dog, big dog in little dog's body. :P

Cons. Biggest con if you want a dog to be able to take a walk off leash with you, this dog is not it. Also, I can't take my particular little guy to a dog park because he thinks he IS a big dog, and problems ensue. :devil:

Good luck!


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I dont think I would let any dog of mine off leash. I would worry they would run off or something would happen to them. would a play sessien in the yard work for them, or must they go for walks every day? and if they do need walks how far should they go?

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Pros: adorable, lots of energy, good with my 1 and 3 year old (small enough for them, but sturdy), doesn't bark except when excited and playing, mine IS a lap dog.

Cons: still working on the housetraining... :confused:

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Melissajean, my two Cairn's get most of their exercise running around the backyard. Scout, who is 3, loves to romp around the yard with the neighbor dog, and Finch, who is 14 months, plays fetch with her infamous frisbee.

BTW, my two are lap dogs too!

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Pros: Loves me to death, very friendly, great with kids, extremely curious, up for anything - any kind of adventure, playful, independent but loves to be with us all the time, easy to maintain, we are not allergic to him, hardly sheds (only a few little hairs on clothing once in a while but none around the house), loves to be brushed, mine hardly barks, not aggressive, very very very smart. He is truly joy to have. And my 6-foot-tall husband thinks he's a very cool dog and is not embarrassed to be seen with him - an important point for a guy!!!

Cons: Hard to think of any, except the little bugger loves to steal things (socks, kids toys, pencils), a little nippy still because he's only 5 months old. Slow on the housebreaking but he was papertrained first so that makes it harder.

"If I only had a Cairn."

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