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Introducing Maisy


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Hi all. I am new to this forum. We have had our cairn pup for about 2 weeks now, and we are mdly in love! She is so lovable, energetic, curious, entertaining.....i could go on and on!

anyway, i just wanted to say hello and post a picture of our new love!

introducing Maisy!


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Maisy is so cute. Is this your first Cairn? There wonderful aren't they.

Here is my Kramer he is now 7 months. My first Cairn Missy passed away this past November at age 17. She was the sweetiest girl and I miss her each day.

She made my life complete and her being gone really has left an emptyness but Kramer is really helping. I'm posting a photo of Kramer and of my Missy



Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Guest mrskti

Hi Kaya3...Darling baby you have there. I was going to name one of my cairns Maisy, but my sister stold the name for her yellow lab! So I have Ellie Mae & Dori. You will have lots of fun with her, good luck. We'll look forward to more pictures.

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Welcome! Maisy is such a cutie!!!

And, please....go on and on about Maisy....we all love to gush about our Cairns...which is why we love this site so much!

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Welcome to our board Maisy and kaya3! What a great looking Cairn Maisy is, I love the expression on her face. And I have to compliment you on your photography, that is a really great pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

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Welcome to Maisy and Kaya3! What a gorgeous picture - I love black and white. You will get plenty of great information here and plenty of ooh- and ahh-ing over pictures.

I am mom to Scully who will be 2 the 12th of this month.

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thanks for the welcome everyone! Maisy is our first Cairn, so i'm sure i will have loads of ?'s over the next few months! LOL

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A big hello and welcome from my crew....Winnie, Madison and Elliott.

Maisy is precious...keep the pics coming.

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Hey there Maisy (and of course Kaya3). A big welcome from Barb, Ghillie, and Smokey.

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