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We may be getting a Cairn Terrier and I was wondering on what types of questions I should be asking. I have a few ideas and I have owned dogs before but my parents always bought them. I am 22 my boyfriend is 26 and we have a home together. So we are now looking to add to our family. We have a friend with a Cairn Terrier and a Boston Terrier and even though I really like the Boston Terrier I don't like all the health problems that come along with them. I know every dog has it's own health problems but I try to go with the one that has the least. Anyways I believe we have settled with a Cairn Terrier and plan on buying one in July. What is the normal cost of a Cairn??

Thanks for all your help! :thumbsup:

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I was raised with Boston Terriers and German Shepards but I always said when I grow up I want a TOTO dog. Funny our Boston Terriers never had any health issues. My first Cairn terrier Missy just passed away at age 17 due to liver failure. She was puppy mill and had alot of medical issues which required surgery's and intense care. Still with all her medical issues she lived a good age but never long enough. Now we have Kramer, he is 7 months old and a charm. I never was a big fan of the Bostons, I love the Cairns. There is just something about them that makes them so unique. They're like everything you want in a pet plus some wrapped up in this little body. There playful and so loveable. Missy wasn't a lap dog like Kramer. Kramer has to be my someone all the time, Missy was very aplha and independant. Kramer I call him my little teddy bear he just is so cuddly and loves ot be right by you.

About price Missy was from a pet store almost 18 years ago we paid almost $400.00 Kramer was from a excellent breeder a referral by a co-worker of my hubby he was $700.00 some say a little high priced but this is a breeder with no bad tracks. She even gave us past customers to call. Which I did.

Good luck

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Pups in my New York, New Jersey, Connecticut area are around $1200.

"If I only had a Cairn."

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Booker was sold by the breeder for $1200, at first to a buyer who wanted to show him. The buyer discovered his testicles weren't descended so he was returned to the breeder. I paid $600...........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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