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Memorial Day Weekend

Ms. Maggie

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Well it is official. Maggie has began her life as the cairn she is. We went camping this week-end and she dug the whole time she could. We also walked her a lot too. She was so excited she didn't want to take time to eat and drink so by Saturday afternoon she was exhausted and started getting sick. We put her up until she decided she needed to eat. Then she ate and ate. She is very stubborn, much more than my first cairn, Chloe. Maggie had a blast and we did too just having her with us. Chloe used to dig until her paws hurt and we would have to crate her to get her to quit. But it was great fun then and now. How were all of you babies this week-end?


Yes I have pictures, I will post them soon (LOL) When I learn how. :thumbsup:

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Scully was busy supervising mom and dad while we cleaned the garage, picking up anything and everything she shouldn't have to chew on. Then there was patrolling the yard for enemies, you know - birds, squirrels, pieces of paper. She was as exhausted as we were! Like I always say, it's a tough job being a Cairn!

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We took Tink (10-months) to Eureka Springs, Arkansas - a beautiful little town in the Ozarks. With all the problems we have had housebreaking her, she was wonderful for the three days we stayed in a bed & breakfast. She never once went on the floor. We did find her up on the table with all fours, eating pumpkin bread. My friend, who made the bread and has never had a pet in the house, found her up there. Thankfully, she was forgiving and laughed it off. Another day, Tink ate two dinner rolls we had saved - again for my friend and her dh. Needless to say, they probably think she is a stinker :devil: , but I was proud of her behavior for the weekend.



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