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Maggie and Bathtime

Ms. Maggie

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Last night while running my bath water DH brought Maggie in the bathroom (for me to baby sit). Well all was well with chewy's and baby toys. But she kept looking into the tub and barking wildly. SO........ yes I did. I put her in the tub with me. She absolutley loved it. She wanted to be let loose but I was afraid to let her loose and she got so upset with me. Whining and signing and such. So.... I let her go. I did. She can swim by doggies. She is only 12 weeks old. What a wonderful cute thing to see. It was great. Of course I hollered for DH and here he came. He thought I let her fall in the tub. It was great.


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Too cute!!!

I would go and get a baby pool for the yard!

Bet ya she'd have a blast in it!!!


Cathy and Piper

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Yes, my darlin Westie loved to swim, and had her own baby pool too. When she is big enough to be safe with a wading pool, its a must-have!

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That is just too funny. The boys are just not water babies although I thought I might try a pool again this summer. I do have a cat who likes to perch on my knee while I'm in the tub.

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Sounds like you both had a fun bath. I agree about getting Maggie a baby pool. The kiddie pool is something my dogs look forward to. My youngest cairn, Hannah came home to live w/ a whole family of dogs and was introduced to the kiddie pool early. Here's a picture of her at 8 wks swimming in the pool.


Of course at 8 wks, someone was always w/ her. She was way too small to be in the pool alone. Now a year later, Hannah loves to race all over the yard and then jump into the pool. My middle cairn, Abbey also loves jumping in and out of the pool. Only my oldest, Kiara prefers to either hunt for frogs & lizards :sick: or play fetch.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Beth, that is a wonderful picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We use a baby pool too. Scout loves the water! I filled it a few weeks ago, for the first time this season. The temp was about 75 degrees, but the water was ice cold. I placed Finch in the water and she promply climbed out. Scout walked over, gingerly stepped into the water, turned around and layed down in it! Icy cold water...brrrrr...but she loved it! I still can't get Finch in the water. This is the only time she is in the pool.


There isn't any water in the pool!

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